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"A coin floated in the sea, washing up on each wave to peek up at the sun before diving down to disappear in the darkness below.

Flips, waiting.

Pushes up, breaching the waves, waiting.

Finally, finally, it doesn't. Finally it doesn't come up for breath anymore.

The coin floats under, until the last flash of sunlight hits it's side,

And the gold is forever lost in the whirlwind of wind and swirling of waters.


Waiting for it's love."

-The Ballad Of Gold

In the Year of our Queen Jade, 1656--

Waves hit the side of the dock, pushing up against it's foundation in hopes that it would dislodge it so it could finally sweep it off into the unknown. It pushed and pulled, dragging smaller boats in an attempt to show them the mysteries of the ocean, but ropes kept them tied safely to the harbor. The winds howled as the ocean struggled against the land, in an ever growing argument that released rain from the clouds above.

Only a section, only a tiny fraction of the ocean, did not fight with it's family. It was calm and steady, even though the waters surrounding it roared and thrashed, spilling itself across the deck of a small fishing boat as it came to shore. Barnacles were encrusted on the side of the boat, and the sails were beyond tattered, and yet the madness of the ocean did not touch it. The boat could easily be sent off in a flurry of water and wind, tipping it over so the ocean may claim at least one thing from this fruitless battle. But instead, the ocean knew who was in the waters, and safely guided the small form inside of the boat to land safely.

The wind flew around the boat, it's sails whipping uselessly in its rush, but untouched by it's power. The rain didn't come down in it's sleet and hammer against the cloaked figure, but only touched them in a small drizzle.

If anybody weren't camped around the fires in the small town, and were watching the ocean as it tumbled and roared, they could have seen the battle come to a halt as the waves slowly halted against the land and pushed the boat to gently tap against the harbor.

The cloaked figure finally moved then, pushing themselves up onto their shaky legs and trying to clamber out of the boat. It was difficult for anybody to see them move so pathetically, small groans of pain from muscles that decided to cramp as they finally moved for the first time in several days.

The wind buffeted them softly, tugging at their clothing and offering their assistance to helping the figure up. It was followed hoarsed laughter, and the figures fingers flicked through the air, playing with the wind as they tumbled out of the boat and onto the stone dock. The waves slapped the dock once before immediately sucking the ruined boat back into the ocean, it's precious cargo gone and ready to be torn into a thousand pieces. The rain lessened as the cloaked person struggled to their knees and then feet.

"I'm fine," they choked out, "I thank you for your help, yes, but I am fine." They said, before the wind howled at them uselessly. They moved jerkily, unable to walk correctly because of their soaking clothing and sunburns across their baren legs. The nearest building was made of wood and thatch, and candles were lit in it's windows.

The figure only made it about ten steps before their body collapsed, and the ocean returned to its battle against the land. The wind howled and rushed through the town, and the rain came down as if nothing had ever disturbed it.

It wouldn't have been until morning until somebody noticed the lying figure face down in the mud.

Alright, this is the one and only author note this book is going to have. Unless something pops up, that would appear on my page on my profile. Follow me if you'd like to have updates on the writing process! Anyways, getting carried away here. This is my Nano Wrimo book this November, and I am going to try my hardest to update every day, or every other if it comes to it. I do have a bit of a busy schedule.

Please vote or comment. It really gives me more inspiration and less small crappy chapters. I hope you enjoy this unique telling about Supernatural creatures. Please and Thank you!

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