Chapter 19

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There were a few things that Grace had tried to keep up with as she lived hidden. With the internet and many other sites, it had made it easy to check up on people that she had once known. A few of them were witches that she had liked, or had met often while traveling. The Bronze Witch, who goes by the name of Betty today, was one of them. (She was currently working in Japan with a few engineers to create water fueled transportation.) A few others were some people whom Grace had met, and greatly disliked. A few being, Thursday, Sunday, and of course, Silver, who goes by Silvia.

When Grace had learned that Silvia had been taken by the Natzi's, there were of course a lot of emotions that went through her. Rage of delight were both contesting as the main emotion, but rage won the battle. Silver and Gold had always had their conflicts, (making one Christmas song want to make Grace barf every time she heard it) but in the end Silvia hadn't deserved the tortures she had placed on her. Or the other two Cursed Witches that were also taken in. (Grace thought they might've been Ssom, or maybe Fael. As it was, Cursed Witches were backwards, as so were their names. Moss and Leaf Witches were what they were originally, but then things got a little mixed up.)

There were three things on her google alert list. Dragons and Werewolves. Vampires were overrated as a contractor, and Grace didn't find the appeal of the blood sucking creatures like some other witches found, so she did her best to ignore them. Dragons were a common sight, and every once in awhile Grace would find her phone would buzz and there was some huge dragon landing in a Walmart parking lot to go get some milk.

Werewolves were more reserved. They kept to themselves. A few years ago, in the 80s, there had been a huge war between packs of werewolves, the ones who were called the Original, and the Lunar Clan. Lunar had won, but not without some casualties. Human policemen had tried to keep the fighting away from the human population, but things did happen. The Original clan were the offspring of the pirates who Grace had originally cursed, and thought them superior than humanity themselves. (There were way too many powerful species out there, like the Vampires, who would have crushed the werewolves if they got too power hungry.) Thankfully they had all been wiped out, but so had the truth.

Not a single person on the entire world knows that it was Grace who had cursed them. It was soon after that Grace disappeared, choosing to travel around rather than settle down. Without her wand, Grace had traveled easy after she came to shore in 1870. She had been in the ocean for more than two hundred years. 205, to be exact. By then, all the witches had moved to America, and Grace had Europe all to herself.

But now... She had to face them again. The werewolves. They couldn't be the same, like the first people who she had cursed. Not the selfish, greedy, men who had... yeah. Grace didn't think she could stomach being around them.

"So... Grace?" Rose asked, interrupting Grace's thoughts. She looked over at the younger witch, who was fiddling with her ring on her finger. "Do you think you can answer some of my questions?"

"Sure." Grace gave a quick smile. "There isn't much we can do anyways." They were on a international train that went to Paris to Madrid, the full ride taking about ten hours to travel. There were a few stops on the way, so that was probably why the ride was so long.

"Why don't you like dragons? And do they live in Paris?"

"Did you..." Grace trailed off, then looked at Rose, "okay first off, how old are you?"

Rose flushed, "I'm two hundred and four."

"Two hundred and- did the others not teach you this?" Grace asked incredulously.

"Well, I was put in a few classes, along with my twin sister, but I got kicked out or sent to Antarctica." Rose looked down at her hands. "I'm still not really good at my magic."

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