Chapter 17

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"You do not three suitcases." Grace crossed her arms, giving Rose a glare. "One backpack, without any dresses, bright colors, or high heels."

"But why?" Rose whined, pouting.

"When you leave here, in a few days the Witches Council will know you moved. We need stealth, and to stay far away from any contact we know. When you go off the map, they will be alert, and if they find you it will all be over."

"Oh. That." Rose looked away, "but why can't we hide with bright color things? And my red high heels are the perfect color for breaking in."

Grace had to resist face palming.

"Okay, then I guess will leave by myself." Grace picked up her own backpack and slid it on. "I will see you later."

"No wait!" Rose dove back into her room. "Don't leave without me!"

Grace tapped her foot impatiently, as Rose rushed around her room, a bag in her hand. She waited all of a grand seven minutes, before Grace sighed and called out, "I'm leaving now, with or without you."

"I'm coming!" Rose came out, this time with her pink hair tucked up in a hat. She was wearing baggy clothing, something she wouldn't get caught in usually. "It's from an old boyfriend." Rose explained with a shrug.

"Ah." Grace turned the lights off, and opened the door. "Last chance. Still want to come, or not?"

"There is no way I'm missing out on this!" Rose gave Grace a bright smile. "Now come on, let's go before the bad people come and get us!"

"Bad people?" Grace hesitated. "What bad people?"

"You know, in the movies! When people go on an adventure, bad people come and hunt them down and the heroes get away in the nick of time!" Rose spoke fast, bouncing up on her heels. "Now let's go!" She rushed out of the door, and Grace blinked after.

"Wow." She spoke to herself, before giving a brief smile and closing the door as she stepped outside. Then sucked in a breath. "Rose! Get off of that motorcycle! No we are not stealing it!"



Diana was having a wonderful lunch, made up of roasted chestnuts with a maple syrup glaze on top when the magnificent doors to the dining hall were flung open. She did not give the intruder the advantage of her attention as she ate another bite of her delicious lunch. The wide doors hid the wall with a resounding thud.

"Rose is gone again!" The person yelled, and Diana dropped her fork, startled. It wasn't the person yelling, who was a dear friend of Diana's, but the news that they carried. Tabatha was an extraordinary beautiful woman, with long golden blond hair that went down to her hips, and moist brown eyes that would be more fitting on a deer. She might have been a very pretty person, with hair the color of gold, but her temper and actions made her seem to be a redhead.

"Are you sure Tabatha?" Diana asked, "Rose might have gone out, maybe even taken a small vacation." Her voice was soothing and calm.

"No." Tabatha was almost snarling, making her beautiful face twist up. "She didn't cash in her check when it arrived in the mail four days ago. That set off the alarm. When we sent in a man, he said that there were suitcases packed." Her tone was loud and brash.

"She was planning to go somewhere then. Have you any idea where?" Diana daintily grabbed her napkin and patted at her lips.

"There are a few searches in her google account." Tabatha reached into her bag and pulled out an abused piece of paper. "'How to escape bad guys,'" Tabatha read off, "'What to do if you are on the run', and my personal favorite, 'how to leave without a trace.'"

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