~Chapter 1~

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"Dad but why?," I asked annoyed. "Cause I don't trust you alone while me and your mother are in Paris," dad said. "I'll be good I justy don't want a babysitter please," I begged. "No, last time we left you were home alone you had a party. So no," he said. "But I'm sixteen. You can't expect me to just sit around and behave while my friends go party," I said sternly. "You can go party with your friend it's just the babysitter has to come with you and to the party and as long as the party isn't here," dad said. I huffed at him, "Fine just who exacly is my babysitter," I asked. "He will be here in a couple of minutes," dad said. I sighed. "I'll be in the living room reading," I said. "Before you go I have information on the new school you will be going to is know as Konoha high, and here are your directions," he said handing me the directions. I took the directions, and went into the living room to read.I loved reading especially mysteries, and horror. I began reading one of my favorite books, goosebumps. 

I heard an knock on the living room door. I looked to see my dad and mom. "hi mom hi dad," I greeted. "Hello darling we just came in to tell you that we are leaving and also that the babysitter's here," mom said. I sighed cause I completely forgot about that while I was reading. "Were is the babysitter?," I  asked. My dad pointed to the young boy beside him. My eyes widened. He was cute too. "Are you kidding my he's my age!," I exclaimed. "I know darling ,but he excepted the job," dad said. "This makes no sense!," I exclaimed. "And the best part he goes to your school!," mom cheered. "WHAT!?," I yelled. "Yes daughter no-. My dad was interrupted by the sound of my cell phone ringing. I answered.

(note while I'm on my cell phone no one will hear what m friend said on the other line)

"Hello," I said. 

"Hey Myia," said a voice. 

"Oh hey Chie," I said. 

(If you didn't know Chie is my best friend)

  "Hey Myia I found this party that we can crash," she said. 

"Really when and where," I said. 

"Well I  know ,but we are gonna get a ride from you," she said. 

I looked at my parents, they looked impatient, and the babysitter was texting.

"Um about that I have a person over and he has to come," I said. 

"Ooohhh is it your boyfriend and is he cute," she asked.

"One he is suppose to be my babysitter, and is surprisingly my age and second let me send you a pic," I said. 

The guy was texting someone. I also notice my parents had already left for paris on their way there.  I walked up to my babysitter, and took out my phone. 

He looked up at me. "Say cheese," I said smiling. Before he could say anything my phone flashed a picture. I sent it to Chie. She immediatly texted back.

"HOT," she texted. I rolleded my eyes. The guy looked over my shoulder to see what I was texting. He saw what Chie wrote, and I could of sworen he chuckled. I looked back and saw he wason the couch looking at the cieling. Chie called me, and when I answered she screamed like a fangirl. I pulled the phone away from my ear, and waited for her to stop screaming. "Why are you screaming," I asked through speaker phone. "Becasue wait take your phone off speaker," she said. I turned it off of speaker. "So why are you screaming?," I asked. "Well the guy in the picture I looked up duck butt hair, and I found out his name was Sasuke Uchiha, and he is going to our school. And also he is the hottest guy in school! Lucky!," She squealed. "You know  Chie call me back cause I don't like talking to fangirls," I said bluntly. "But wait we will be at your house in a couple of minutes so be ready," she said. "Fine just don't make a fool of yourself," I said. She squealed and hung up. I sighed and hung up.  I looked at the babysitter, and he was still texting. I began examining him. He was cute for a matter of fact he was sexy, but I wasn't interested. I also knew that if came to the oarty he would blend in. No he wouldn't blend in he would be the main attration. He could go in his boxers and still be the main attraction. I sighed causing him to look at me. "Hey duck butt hair get ready we're about to go somewhere," I said. "My name is Sasuke Uchiha," he said annoyed. "Sasuke, duck butt same thing," I said. "And where are we going," he asked rolling his eyes. I smirked, "Partying of coarse," I said. He rolled his eyes. "Whatever," he said going back to texting. I smirked, "worst babysitter ever," I said to myself ,but surprisingly he heard me, and smirked. "I'll be in the shower," I said. He didn't say anything though. I walked up into my room and got a change of clothes. I got into the shower, and washed my hair. I brushed my teeth and changed afterwards. 

I looked in the mirror and I looked like this:

(I looked like this but my hair was striaght down to my waist not in pigtails)

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(I looked like this but my hair was striaght down to my waist not in pigtails)

I walked  out my room grabbing my keys in the process. I walked downstairs to see Chie was interrogating duck butt. "Chie how did you get in my house," I said halfway down the steps. I failed to notice Sasuke was smirking at me looking me up and down. "I have a key," she said holding up my lotst house key. I walked up to her and snatched it from her. "I was looking for my house keys," I said. "So we ready to go?," she asked. I looked duck butt hair and he was behind me waiting. "Yeah I guess," I said. "Great I'm driving," she said snatching my car keys from me, and running to the car. "Like hell I'll let you drive my car!," I yelled chasing after her. While me and Chie were fighting he walked up to us. He took the keys from me and her. We looked at him, "I'm driving," he said smirking. Chie had hearts in her eyes, but I rolled my eyes. "And why should I let you drive my car," I said with my hands on my hips. He leaned in and whispered in my ear, "Because I'm your babysitter," he said smirking. I blushed ,but turned away crossing my arms. "Whatever," I muttered. He smirked again and walked to my car. 

(That's Myia's car and if you also notice in my other stories that I also I have lamborghinis in them

that's because a lamborghini is my dream car )

I sat in the back while Chie gawked at him in the passenger seat. "Off to the party!," me and Chie cheered

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