The Villain's Preface.

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Sometimes, Wren Wilson wanted to get that tattooed onto her forehead.

...Yeah, that'd be a tasteless thing to do, and it would've really killed the whole point of having a secret identity. But. Words couldn't even begin to describe how irritating it was whenever Wren went to grab some groceries and magically a woman's purse got stolen as she approached the checkout line. Then, of course, everyone looked at Wren, the only super dumb enough to run domestic errands whilst in costume (in her defense it was really hard sliding into that skin tight suit, why battle taking it off when she just need some eggs and milk?)

"Aren't you going to do something?" Somebody would ask. Usually an old grouch of a woman with hot, unadulterated judgment ironed into her many wrinkles (think far-right extremist with a grudge against people of color for the whole 'no more confederate flag' thing).

"Aren't you?" Wren always hissed back before pushing her cart along to the next available checkout line, humming the theme song to Family Guy under her breath as she went.

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