The news.

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I was watching the news eating noodles. I slurped one and dropped one. I reached down to pick it up when I heard the news broadcaster say, "the Chicago Blackhawks, are giving away two FREE tickets to the game this Saturday night, which is tomorrow." I ran up to the t.v spilling over my noodles. "All you  have to do is call in right now, be the twelfth and eleventh caller to win the tickets."I ran and got my cell phone and my home phone. I punched on the numbers. It rang and rang. Finally a machine answered. "Sorry your the eight caller" I dialed in my cell phone. "Sorry your our eleventh caller" I grunt. Wait! Eleventh caller. "Hi, you said I'm the eleventh caller" the machine changes into a high pitched female, "that's right, if we could get your email, address, and full name, we will give you the ticket" "okay, it's, my name is Lauren Crosby, and my address is 699, Addison street, Lincoln park, Chicago, Illinois, United States, North America" "thank you, we will send the ticket" "thanks so much, I love you!" "Goodbye" she hangs up and I scream so loud. I don't stop. My neighbor comes running over which is a young alpha male, he is the same age as me and is super nice, his name is Mikey And is a huge Hawks fan. He knocks on my door. I run over still screaming. I open the door add he looks at me and covers my mouth.
"What the hell are you doing"
"Guess who just scored Hawks tickets"
"Not you, I still pay half of your rent"
"I did! I won them for free, I was the eleventh caller"
"I don't believe you"
"I did there sending them to me I'll show you proof"
"Okay, but you won't have any" he smirks. I stick my tongue out and slam the door on his face. Hmmmm.... What to wear. My Toews jersey, and Hawks hat, or feather headband. I'm so excited!
Saturday Morning
"Ah, the smell of failure" I smile. "Oh wait, I forgot, that smell retired. I have so much to do today this fine chilly day" I run to my closet, I pull on my jersey, and hat. I pull on my red Converse and eat cereal. I get a text from an unknown number.
Who the hell is texting me
who the hell are you
That's what I would like to know, all the sudden I'm getting a butt dial from someone I don't even know
Kane! Oh my gosh!
Oh that was me, from the airport
Is that why there's still a grandpa in our pic
Bye, I have practice
Good luck
Wow. I just had my first conversation with Kane. Weird, but still counts! I grab everything I need, my phone, wallet, purse, and keys. I hop into my red mustang. My last present from my parents before they died. I love it. It's my baby. I fill up on gas and pass Wrigley Field. I make my way towards United Center and park in a nearby parking garage. I jump out and realize I have to pay $28 dollars to park here. I hop back in and look around. I come up to a closed gate. The gate opens and I take that as a sign. I can park here. In the lot are a bunch of Mustangs, and a bunch of expensive cars. Talk about V.I.P. I hop out and make my way towards the restaurants. I reach a Chipotle and order. By the time I find a seat and finish eating it's 2:00. 5 more hours until puck drop. I walk around admiring the amazing view. When it's 5:45 I make my way back. I arrive back at the United Center at 6:15, I show them my scan code I was sent and they brought me to my front row seats. I end up sitting between two young guys. Probably 2,years older than me. They are so loud when the Blackhawks score I have to plug my ears. They both high five and the one to my left lifts me up. This happens a lot considering the final score ends up 6-2. I wait to see the top three players of the game. 3-Duncan Keith. 2-Corey Crawford. 1-Jonathan Toews, I stay and listen to him talk, and I can't believe that I was talking to him yesterday. I stay around for another hour or so before heading back to my car. I walk around and notice most cars are gone in the V.I.P lot. I walk to the passengers side to put my purse in and notice a long deep scratch running along the side of my baby. I'm so mad, I yell aloud.
"Hell no, who the hell did this, of all cars, it couldn't have been one of the other red ones, preferably less attractive than my baby"
"I thought it was you" I snap around and see Jonathan. 
"How did you know"
"Your sense of humor you added to it"
"What are you doing here"
"I was at the game"
"This is parking for players only" I notice the sign in the corner, also located at the very front of the spot I'm parked in.
"Oops" I pull out a black sharpie and run to the front. I add at the bottom of the sign, "and awesome people" he laughs.
"you do know, you could get arrested..." he smirks.
I know what I need to do. I get down on my knees and beg. "Please...please don't tell...i'll do anything"
"Deal" he walks to his car and grabs his phone he throws it to me and I catch before it hits me in the face.
"What do you want me to throw a phone at my own face"
"No, I want give me your number again, i lost it, so when I think of something I can tell you"
"Pedro, no me gusta" i blush. "Y, yo no quiero que nada malo suceda, algo que meterme en problemas , al igual que pasa a través de la seguridad , o saltar de un buliding , o.."
"I get it"
"Just, ill text you later, okay, Kaner is probably already mad. Unless he has a girl over, than he'll kick me out."
"Okay" I manage a weak smile and he runs to his car. A black mustang. Not as cool as mine but still cool. He turns the key. It rumbles alive. I get in and I look over he's waiting for me to go. I push in the key and twist it. It doesn't roar alive but instead it dies on me. I try again and again. But still nothing. Great. I get out and tell him.
"My car just died"
"I noticed"
"Okay, bye" I walk away. About two blocks later I see headlights turn the corner. And then I here a quiet engine. I turn around but there is no car there. Weird. I keep walking and just as I'm passing a McDonalds, a hand covers my mouth. I try to scream but it's blocked by the warm hand. They grab my hands and push me into an alleyway. They are wearing a black hoodie. I squirm and kick until they pull down there hood revealing there perfect brown hair. Jonathan.
"What the hell was that for"
"You can't walk home by yourself"
"Why not"
"Did you not see what happened a second ago, it's freaking 11:50"
"Okay fine, I'll call a cab"
"Or I could drive you"
"Okay thanks." He opens his door a few blocks back and I slide in and he slides in to. We drive around until he pulls into a parking lot.
"Oh I'm sorry, I live by Wrigley Field"
"I know."
"Then we're are we"
"My apartment. It's just to tell Pat I'm okay."
"Wanna come in"
"Sure" I slide out and follow him. We reach the elevator and I fix my hat, Well he shoves his hands deep into his jean pockets. He is so cute.
"Soooo... You said.."
"I live by Wrigley Field"
"Yah... That's not to far away is it"
"God... I forgot."
"Forgot what."
"To get gas, I was on the empty."
"That's okay, maybe Patrick Kane can give me a ride"
"Maybe." The elevator dings and we step out I go to the right and start talking when I realize he went to the left. I run to catch up to him. He laughs. He takes out a key and unlocks the door. The first thing I see is a long L shaped couch with a Patrick Kane sleeping on it. I also notice how neat the place is and how much room there is. Wow. I'm impressed. I follow Jon to Pat and Jon takes the closest pillow and slaps Pat in the face with it.
"Jon......I'm sleeping."
"Not friend needs a ride"
"Go ahead"
"From car ran out of gas"
"So.. Walk,....your sleep."
"It's Lauren form the airport."
"Lauren.........Lauren!" His eyes shot open and search the room until they reach my own.
"Hi" is all I manage to get out.
"Hey, Lauren.......yawn.....I would love to drive your home..... But I was just drinking....I can't."
"It's okay....I understand" I smile.
"But Jon over there can take my car" Jon smiles bright and big.
"Thanks.... back soon"
"You better, and if I find one scratch I will murder you in your sleep, if I find a chip of paint I will.."
"Yah, yah" he grabs the keys and runs off me trailing behind. I manage to run ahead of him and keep running missing the elevator I run to the stairs and run all the way down and beat him to the lower level lobby. I run to the parking lot while he walks as slowly as he can. I run back to him and push him until he's basically jogging. I stop by each sporty car and eventually we find Kane's car. We drive in silence until I have to direct him to my apartment. I jump out and give him a friendly thanks. But of course he can't leave it at that.
"No problem, I should come in with you for a minute....just in case there's a creep in your room"
"oh bien, seguro vamos adentro, no es como mis apartamentos un lío enorme ni nada, por favor, dime que me no puede entender ."
"confíe en que yo pueda"
"mierda" he laughs.
"Let's go" he follows me in and we take the elevator to the tenth floor.
" you live with anyone"
"Do you have any friends"
"Yes, you think I'm a loner"
"That's not what...okay"
We reach level ten and walk to my room. I unlock the door and he comes in. My apartment isn't that messy...its just the noddles I spilled from yesterday. I walk into my room expecting him to leave , so I throw off my jersey but when I turn around just in my bra. He's standing there smirking. I screech and grab a sweatshirt and pull it over my head. I close the door while I change into sweats. When I'm done I open the door and he's still smirking, he comes in my room and looks at all the posters I have of hm in my room.
"Wow, you really like my face."
"I won't if you don't go home"
"You want me to go home" he steps closer to me.
"Yes....well no....I don't No. Maybe. I don't know."He leans in closer and is breathing my neck.
" do know my car was on full gas right." My head shots up and he laughs. I bite my lip and rip off some of my lip skin.
"Lauren...I've never felt like this"
"Like what, sweaty and hot from being to close to someone, you play hockey you know"
"No, you turn me on" my eyes grow ten times bigger. And if they couldn't get any bigger he kisses me right on the lips! I blush and bite my lip harder which he fixes with his tongue. Next thing I know I'm kissing him back. He goes deeper and deeper. What is going on. He pushes me against the door frame and I push him back against the wall. We stand there for 10 mins stopping in between for a little bit to breathe. I start unbuttoning his shirt and he's unzips his jeans. Ding. The doorbell. He jumps off the wall and hides behind the wall, still half dressed I run to the door. It's Mikey.
"Hey Lo" that's the one nickname I told him to not call me.
"Hey Mikey" he smiles and looks around in the hall.
"Can I come in"
"At 12:30 in the morning"
"I need to show you something"
"Now is not a good time"
"Cmon, what, are you hiding something." I'm good at lying,
"No, it's just that I'm tired, and I was literally walking into my room to change"
"It'll only take one minute I promise" and like that he walks past me looking around. He takes a seat.
"You can change into your P.J's while I set it up."
"Okay" I run to my room and slam the door behind me, Jon is sitting on my bed still with his unbuttoned shirt and unzipped jeans.
"Who the hell is that"
"My neighbor"
"Well he moved in and I moved in and we happened to get apartments next to eachother so and..."
"Why is he here"
"He's my neighbor, he pays half my rent, I have money problems."
"Your car though"
"Last present before my parents died"
"Your parents died"
"I don't wanna talk about it"
"Okay" he leans in and were on top of each other, he rips off my top and I rip off his shirt. We lay there for five minutes, cuddling, kissing, staring into each others eyes, and staring at each others bodies. His eyes were perfect. No, more than perfect, like a bundle of perfectness wrapped up and stuffed into his eyes. Like, knock knock, I jump up and run to the door. I open it and Mikey stares at me. He looks down at my body. And I follow his eyes and realize I'm wearing my sweats and my bra.
"Still getting ready"
"Sorry, I....I just fell asleep...don't you remember I went to that Hawks game tonight." I close the door more so he can only see my head.
"Well I'm ready, the video is fully loaded."
"Okay, let me put my P.J's on" and I close the door. I run to my closet and pull on an old high school shirt and change into shorty shorts. And when I say shorty, I mean shorty.
"We're the heck are you going with those short of shorts."
"To watch a video"
"You have ten minutes before I come out there"
"Okay" I close the door behind me and run up to Mikey. I sit and about halfway through the video he excuses himself to my bathroom. When he comes back the video is done. He goes home and I watch t.v.
"Laurennnnnn!!!!!!!" Jon storms out.
"Hey" I smirk
"I wanna cuddle"
"Only for a little more"
"I have work tomorrow..."
Ring Ring Ring Ring
"It's Kaner"

Jonathan's P.O.V.

"It's Kaner" I slide it to answer and rush off to her bathroom. I answer it and saying he sounds furious would be an understatement.
"Where the hell are you"
"I'm at Lauren's house"
"I'm sorry, I...i....i...i...i"
"You what"
"I've never felt like this before, we...we...she....I..kissed her and she kissed back and we got undressed and cuddled and starred at each other."
"A simple I'm sleeping with her would have been okay"
"I'm not sleeping with her"
"But you want to"
" know me so well"
"But are you going to sleep with her"
"I don't know, I barely met her"
"You like her, and she likes you"
"Or she's some super crazy fan of the Blackhawks."
"She doesn't act nervous or blush around me"
"Be home before practice"
"I will."
"Have fun"
"Shut it"
"Bye" I hang up. I really hope Lauren likes me and isn't just some super fan, maybe tonight I'll ask her.
I open the door and rush back over to her.
"Hey Lauren"
"Hey, was he mad"
"No" I cuddle closer to her and look down her shirt. Fuck. She changed bras, she's wearing a lace one.
"You know Jonathan"
"I...I like you." That's what I like to hear.
"As a fan or more" she snorts.
"A fan or more...way more than a fan. Like way, way." I chuckle.
"Come on, let's go to "bed" " I quote the words in my fingers.
"I would love to go to "bed" but I have work tomorrow morning."
"I'll call in sick for you?" I don't know if she's a goody two shoes or a rebel that misses work and fake calls in sick.
"You would do that"
"As long as we can go to "bed" right now." She laughs. She grabs my hand and pulls me into her room. Next thing I know our lips our back on each others and I feel the same spark. I peek and sure enough her eyes are closed gently. I lay on top of her and we make fun all night.
Sunday Morning
Lauren's P.O.V.
I wake up to movement in the bed. Jonathan is staring at me. I give a weak smile. I pull the covers up quite aware I'm not wearing anything on top. He gets out of bed and I get dressed in dark jeans and a black sweatshirt. Today decided to make it shopping day. I hand the phone to Jon and he calls my work.
Jonathan's P.O.V.
"Hi, is this Marlee"
"Who is this"
"Jonathan Toews"
"Oh, sir, sore, how may I help you today sir."
"So, I am here with my friend and his girlfriend Lauren and they both have food poisoning. And Lauren can't make it into work today. Or Kane. But, she can't come to work today."
"I understand, tell her I hope she feels better"
"Okay, I will, when she gets out of the bathroom or at least hovering over the toilet." Lauren gags in the background for side effects. I clear my throat from laughing.
"I gotta go, Lauren needs me." And I hang up. I high five Lauren
"Anyways, I have to get to practice."
"Okay, see ya" I push my lips against hers, and I walk off.
Lauren's P.O.V.
Shopping Day! I go all around the mall and stock up on the latest styles. I buy 5 pairs of light colored jeans, 3 pairs of dark jeans, 2 bras, 5 pairs of underwear, 4 new tank tops, 3 crop tops, 2 jackets, 5 short sleeve shirts, 3 pairs of converse, blue, white, and burgundy, and 4 long sleeve shirts. It cost me a total of $300. Every girl needs it once in a while. I go home and try it all on, and somehow it all fits perfectly and looks good on me. I change into a long sleeve tight black shirt and light colored jeans. I put on my white converse and head to Starbucks. I order a Cappuccino and a cookie. I head back home and spend the rest of the day as a lazy day. I watch t.v until the phone rings.
"Is this Lauren, this is Marlee."
"Hello" I make my voice sound weak and fragile.
"We don't need you to work tomorrow. So you can take that day off."
".....thanks....." I gag. "Bye" I hang up.
I continue watching t.v and slide in Mean Girls. When the movie is over I change into more comfortable clothes, leggings, gym shoes, and a sports bra. I walk down the hall and run straight into Mikey.
"Hey Mikey"
"Hey Lauren"
"How was work"
"Anything interesting happen"
"Yes, I thought you were sick."
"Yah, actually I just got over it"
"Oh, but anyways Jonathan Toews came in and yelled at Marlee because later in the day she called her and had an attitude."
"Wow. The one day I miss. Jonathan Toews is at work. Did he talk to you"
"No but he looked at me and shot me death glares"
"What did you do to him." I know.
"Honestly I don't know"
"Maybe he had a Bad day" or he doesn't like you.
"Probably" not.
"I gotta go"
"Okay bye" I run off down the stairs onto the street and jog around to the DePaul campus and back. I run back up to my apartment, and Jonathan is sleeping in my bed.
"Hey, wanna join me"
"Sure" I jump in and I feel the same spark as when I first met his eyes in the airport.

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