Chapter 3: Can I really trust you?

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~Chapter 3~

Avery’s POV

The boys seem like they might be nice. I am not sure yet.  They aren’t like the other people who adopted me at least. I just don’t like that Louis wants to make me smile. I just don’t like to smile. I want to trust him, but I can’t. I don’t really trust anyone except my sisters. Yes, I called them my sisters. Why shouldn’t I. They are like sisters to me and we have lived together for years, so yes, they are my sisters. If science says otherwise, then too bad for science. I never liked that subject anyway. Everyone is still staring at me though and I don’t like it. I just stare at the floor some more. Maybe if I keep doing that they will get the message and leave me alone. Besides, you could practically feel the tension in the air. Finally, Liam spoke up.

“Bedtime,” Liam announces. “Girls, your room is the second door on the left.” He pointed to a hallway. I immediately grabbed my bag and ran to the room as fast as I could. It was a small room with three sets of bunk beds. I went to the one farthest from the door and climbed up the ladder to the top bunk. There were drawers in the wall so I opened them and put all the things from my bag into them. It wasn’t much, just a few shorts and t-shirts and some underwear. I took my inhaler out of my pocket and put that in one of the drawers too.

The doors opened again and the rest of the girls came into the room. Erica looked confused about what had just happened. I wish I could tell her. She wouldn’t understand though. Caitlyn looked like she was just happy to finally be adopted. Briana looked too tired to even focus at the moment. She kind of just collapsed onto the first bed she saw. I looked at Holly to see that she was glaring at me. She was disappointed in me. It isn’t her fault though. She just doesn’t understand.

“Sorry,” I mouthed to her. She just looked away and climbed up to the bunk above Briana. Jocelyn put her bag down on the bed below mine. She climbed up to where I was and hugged me.

“It’s okay,” she told me. I don’t think she really, understands me, but at least she understands what I do and how I act. I told her a long time ago what had happened to me. She hasn’t told anyone and she doesn’t act awkward around me like anyone else would. That’s why I told her instead of the others. I hugged her back.

“How do you know Josie?” I asked her. She held my shoulders and looked me in the eyes so I could see that she wasn’t lying.

“I just do Avery. Trust me.”

I nodded and she climbed back down the ladder and onto her bed which I suppose is the bottom bunk of mine, or, ours, I guess.

I started humming a tune in my head. Slowly, I fell asleep.

I was eight years old and I was in the chorus room at school. I had stayed after to practice my solo piece for the concert coming up. I checked my watch. It was almost 3:30. My mommy would be picking me up soon. I put my music back in my folder and got up from the piano. I picked up my backpack and walked outside. My mommy wasn’t there. That was weird. She usually got here early.

Josh’s POV

I decided to go check on the girls. I walked to their room. They were all sound asleep. Then, I heard whimpering. Avery. She was asleep, but she was whimpering. What am I supposed to do? I decided to go get the other boys. I walked back to the living room, where they were all discussing what the fans would do when they found out about our new daughters.

“Umm… lads?” I said. That got their attention. I gestured for them to follow me to the girls’ room and I pointed to Avery. There were tears on her face at this point. Louis walked up to her and gently shook her awake. Her eyes soon fluttered open. She was trembling. Louis reached up to wipe the tears off of her face. She flinched and shoved her head under the covers though, before he could.

“Can you tell me what’s wrong sweetie?” he asked.

“No!” she said from under the blankets. “Go away!”

“Honey I just want to help you.”

“Well you can’t so leave me alone”

Louis tried to pull the blankets up but she was holding them down. Liam and I walked over and helped him pry them out of her fingers. Louis picked her up bridal style and her eyes grew wide. Her breath became shaky and soon she started gasping as if she couldn’t breathe. Does she have asthma or something?

“Hold her.” Louis said, placing the shaking Avery in my arms. So he knows what’s going on? He climbed up the ladder to her bunk and started going through the drawers until he found an inhaler. Apparently she does have asthma. He placed it in her outstretched hand, not knowing what to do. She held it up to her mouth and clicked the button thing. Her breathing calmed down quickly and she stopped shaking. Louis picked her up from my arms and brought her into the living room.

“Are you okay?” he asked her.

“I’m fine,” she said.

“Well you weren’t a minute ago,” Harry mumbled. Louis looked up and glared at him.

“Can I leave now?” Avery asked.

“Not until you tell me why you were crying,” Louis told her.

“But I’m tired.”

“Then why don’t you just tell us?”

“Because you would treat me different.”

“What do you mean?”

“If I told you, you’d treat me different. You’d feel bad for me and I don’t want anyone’s pity.”

“Can you just tell me? I promise I won’t tell the others.” She shook her head. “Fine,” Louis gave up. “But next time you’re going to have to tell me.” Avery jumped off of the couch and ran into her room as if her life depended on it.

“Tomorrow,” said Louis, “I am going to find out what happened to her.”


Author's note

Hi guys! Even though I don't really know how many people I am talking to at the moment. Thank you all so much for reading my story! It means so much to me. Please leave comments, I want to know what you think and please vote. PLEASE!!! And please tell your directioner friends about my story. PLEASE!!! Oh, and if you leave a comment soon, then I'll be sure to check out your stories.


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