Chapter 14: Seriously?

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~Chapter 14~

Avery's POV

I am so bored! Why did everyone fall asleep on the plane? Maybe if I poke Jocelyn she'll wake up and she won't know it was me. Then she can't be mad at me because I "didn't do anything." Poke...poke. That's not working. Phooey. Woah! The sign thingamajig lit up.

"We will now be landing in London. I hope you enjoyed your flight." said the pilot on the intercom. Well, no. I did not enjoy my flight for your information. It was boring and there was no internet access. And you told me I couldn't play music really loudly. Wait a minute! I get to wake people up now! I ran over to Louis.

"Wake up Louis!!!!" I screamed.

"What? I don't wanna." Fine. He asked for it. I kicked him in the shin.

"Hey!" He yelled.

"Wake everyone up. The plane landed. We get to leave!"

"Oh, right" Louis woke up the boys and I woke up my sisters, then we left the plane. What the? Louis is hugging someone, so is Liam, and Zayn. I knew Louis had a girlfriend, but I didn't know about the rest of them. Louis and the girl who I am assuming is Eleanor started kissing. Okay! This is weird. I'm going to interfere now because they are taking forever and this is getting awkward. So, I just walked in between them, pushing Louis out of the way.

"Hi Eleanor," I said. "I'm Avery." I held my hand out but apparently she doesn't feel like shaking my hand. She just looked up at Louis again.

"She is so adorable!" she said. Not another one. Isn't is bad enough that Louis treats me like a baby?"

"I'm thirteen," I pointed out. She looked at Louis and raised her eyebrows. Is that really so hard to believe.

"What's with the funky eyebrow dance?" I asked her.

"She actually is thirteen," Louis told her. Haha! Take that! Boom! I am being really crazy now. They are annoying me. I'm going to go find out who all these other people are. I walked over to Zayn and some blonde girl. Why can't I look like her. No, I got stuck looking like a little kid. Stupid starvation. Yes people, that's why I'm so short. Apparently when stupid people decide to starve me, I don't grow because I don't get any nutrition. Anyway, Zayn and the girl were talking and Erica was just awkwardly standing there. I waved to her and she smiled. I tapped her shoulder and she looked down at me.

"Hi. Who are you?" I asked her.

"Avery, this is Perrie. She's my girlfriend," Zayn told me. He's weird. That was random, but he is.

"I can see that," I said. Then I just walked away. Too bad for being social. I went over to Caitlyn, Liam and... OMG! That girl has curly hair! I found my people...or...person...? Caitlyn seems surprisingly happy now! I walked over to them and they didn't even see me! Come on! I'm not that short! Okay maybe I am. I grabbed Caitlyn's arm and started shaking it. They all just looked at me like I was insane. I let go of her arm.

"Hi Avery," the curly-haired girl said to me. Woah! I can actually call someone the curly-haired girl besides myself. Mind warp! Wait a minute.

"How do you know my name?" I asked her. She and Liam started laughing. I looked at Caitlyn and she seemed to be trying not to laugh. Seriously, I don't see what's so funny.

"I sent her pictures of all of you," Liam said through laughs.

"Well are you going to tell me who she is or are you just going to keep laughing like an idiot? People are staring."

"This is Danielle," he said. Then he continued laughing. I just went back to Louis and Eleanor because they can't seem to stop laughing for long enough to say two sentances. Stupid annoying people.

"Guess what!" Louis said to me. What is he so happy about?

"What!" I said to him in a fake excited voice. That's right, I'm mimicking him. That's just how awesome I am.

"Eleanor, Danielle, and Perrie are going to take you and the girls shopping! Eleanor is in charge of you and Jocelyn. Danielle and Perrie are in charge of the rest of you. I don't know how they are going to be arranged in groups. I just know that you and Jocelyn are best friends, so you're in a group together. The lads and I are going to an interview." Oh joy.

"Groups? Like in kindergarten? I thought we all agreed that I was thirteen."

"Well you still have to go shopping." He picked me up and started walking toward the door. Why does he always think I can't walk? Because FYI, I can. I tried squirming out of his grip, but he wouldn't let me go. We got to the door and he just handed me to Eleanor. Uh, no. That doesn't work for me. I was going to escape, but then I got distracted by this:

"Aaaah!" "I love you!" and my personal favorite, "Will you sign my face!" Why can't I have fans? Oh, cool, Eleanor put me down in a limo! I was staring out the window the entire time so as soon as the limo stopped at the mall, I ran out before anyone could pick me up. Then I started running inside. Catch me if you can! I am so getting in trouble for this later.


Awesomeness! Sorry sorry sorry! I can't believe this update is 4 days after the last one. Epic fail! I was going to comment yesterday, but then I went to a one direction concert. They were awesome! And Liam was wearing a batman cape! Guess what! You see the person who this is dedicated to! I don't know who they are, but they are awesome because they keep commenting on my story. And when they read this they are either going to think I am really weird or really awesome. I am really hoping for the second one! So, vote! comment! Be awesome! Fan! Whatever that means! And, I can't think of any other awesome things for you, but if you can, feel free to tell me. Bye my little penguins. I am really hyper right now!


PS. I know it's just been goofy for a bit now, but I promise it will get more serious again soon.

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