F.F.T.E chapter two

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-shawns pov-

my plane lands and I sprint off it and rush into the airport, hoping I'm not too late. I step outside into the warm summer air of LA and see a limo with my name on it.
"um I'm Shawn Mendes. so sorry I'm late."
"please hop in Mr Mendes" I open the limo door and see six unfamiliar faces. they all say their hellos and heys and I go to sit down and I notice a small unnoticed girl squashed in the middle. She has really long brown hair and bright hazel eyes, she's beautiful. "hey" I smile at her and she looks down and blushes. "um erm hei" she's obviously very nervous, which I think is so cute. "hey I'm tori" she says again this time a bit louder and more confidently. "Shawn Mendes" I say back to her and we both are sitting there smiling like idiots. the boy next to her nudges her and she breaks eye contact with me and whispers something to him and he smiles them wraps his arm around her shoulders. shit. is that her boyfriend? daym it seems every girl I like is taken. I take my seat in the limo and we start driving. the drive is awkward, really awkward. nobody knows each other and we all sit thee staring at one another. "soooooo I'm guessing none of you guys know each other. let's play a game. we each say of names and something about ourselves." tori finally breaks the silence. "I'll start" the boy next to her say. "my name is Taylor Caniff. I joined vine not that long ago and I love it. and this is my best friend Tori, we've been best friend since we were 2 and she's like a sister to me." best friend? so he's not her boyfriend! that's good I guess. "my name is cameron dallas. I'm tori's brother. I um like chocolate ice cream?" "I'm Aaron Carpenter. I really enjoy going for walks uptown with my friends" "I'm jack. I sing with my bestie jack and we are called Jack and Jack" "I'm tori dallas and my dream is to be a singer when I'm older" I can tell tori is going to go far in her life. she's so happy and bubbly. I'm lost in my thoughts when Cam taps my shoulder. everybody is looking at me. "oh sorry. I am Shawn mendes and I do covers and post them on vine and I um also want to sing" I look at tori and smile.

-tori's pov-
the limo jilts to a stop and we all pile out. in front of us is a huge grand hotel, the kind rich famous people stay in. "is this for us?" "sure is girlfriend" aaron replys and starts laughing. we go in and meet up with the other half of magcon and Bart. "welcome everybody to the start of a new amazing thing! I will be splitting you up into rooms that you will be sleeping in. each hotel room has 2 beds. room one is Cameron and Nash..." I start to freak. my brother is sleeping with the NASH GRIER! I look over at cam and start smiling crazily. he laughs and Nash comes up to him and they bro hug and start chatting about random dude stuff. "room two is jack and jack, room three mahogany and tori, room four aaron and carter, room five Matt and hayes and room six Shawn and taylor." I get my luggage and go find mahogany and our room. when I find our room mahoganys already seated on a bed. "hi girl! I'm mahogany lox!" I already like her. "hey I'm tori dallas!" "cams sister?" "yupp!!" I say popping the 'P'.

it's almost 10 o'clock and I'm currently lying on my bed on my phone when someone comes and knocks on our door. mahogany gets up to answer it. it's Carter. "hey guys. we are all going to a friends place to celebrate, you know like everything, and I was thinking you two should come to." I nod my head and mahogany smiles, "we will be there in 10 minutes!" I get up and race off to get ready. Mahogany picks me out a strapless tight black dress that sits just about my knees. she straightens my hair, it hangs just above my butt. mahogany puts on a red crop top and black high waisted shorts with her hair out. we do each others makeup then head out. carter says it's not far so we decide to walk. cams made really good friends with nash and Taylor, Matt and Carter are messing about and mahogany's talking with Aaron so I'm by myself. "hey" I jump a little. "oh sorry I didn't mean to scare you" it's Shawn. I smile "it's okay" we walk the rest of the way talking about vine and our families and laughing at stupid stuff we did as kids. the house is really big and I can hear the music from outside. we walk in and it's already crazy. there's a couple deeply making out on the sofa and another in the corner of the room. there's a group of guys in the kitchen each with two bottles of beer in their hands having drinking contests. I loose Shawn and the rest if the guys in the crowd and find myself in the middle of the lounge. "hey baby want a drink?" a guy about 18 hands me a beer and I smile and accept it, tonight I'm going to party. I easily finish the beer and go hunting for a second one. I feel someone grab my wrist and pull me aside. it's the guy who gave me the first beer, now heavily drunk. he takes me upstairs into a bedroom. "what's your name babe?" he sits me on the bed. "tori" I reply. "I'm Michael" I smile trying to play it casual when I'm actually freaking out. suddenly Michael lunges towards me and I jump back. "awe come back babe I'm only having some fun" he laughs and I get a whiff of his horrible smelly breath. "I think I'm going to go back downstairs now" I head for the door. "your not going anywhere princess." his voice turns gruff and angry. he blocks the door, shoving me into the wall. I scream in pain as my head bangs against it. Michael comes over to me and rips off my dress leaving me in my bra and undies. "don't touch me" I try get away put he holds me tight. I scream and he slaps me hard on my check and I fall to the ground in pain. he takes off his pants and I shut my eyes tightly tears pouring down my cheeks. "come to me my baby girl." he lifts me up and starts roughly kissing my neck. "GET THE HELL AWAY FROM HER" someone yells walking into the room. Michael Is pushed away from me and I feel a pair of strong arms wrap around me. "wait" he whispers to me. he walks up to Michael and kicks him in the stomach and he throws up on the floor. "get away from her your son of a bitch." Michael staggers out of the room and the mystery guys comes back. "it's okay. he's gone. I've got you." he rubs my back in circles comforting me. once I've calmed down I look up to see who he is. Shawn. I stare into his eyes and he stares back. "thank you" i softly whisper. "anything for you." then he leans in, and kisses me. it's a powerful passionate kiss. not too rough, not too soft. I feel butterflies in my stomach explode. when we break apart I start blushing. "your so adorable when you blush" and he hugs me and kisses my forehead making me blush even more. "do you want to go back downstairs?" I love how caring he is, and how he puts others before himself. "can we go back to the hotel? I don't really want to be here." I'm all shaken up and the music and smell of alcohol is making me dizzy. "of course" Shawn helps me stand up and carries me downstairs and outside. "I can walk now Shawn." "no I want to carry you." "it's fine, really Shawn I can walk" he laughs "nope I'm carrying you." I don't argue. I bury my head into the crook of his neck and shoulders and shut my eyes. he smells like vanilla and mint. as he walks I listen to his steady heart beating. then he starts to sing. he has such a beautiful, soothing voice. he sings the rest of the walk home and I quietly start too hum along at some parts. I hear him unlock the door to the hotel room an place me gently on the bed. "goodnight princess" he whispers and kisses me lightly on the lips. he pulls the blankets over me and I slowly fall asleep.

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