Chapter 4

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During lunch, Twilight went to the cafeteria and sat with her best friends. She also noticed that her twin, Midnight wasn't there.

"Where's Midnight?" She asked.

"I don't know sugarcube." Replied Apple Jack.

Twilight looked around and saw her going to their table.
Midnight sat between Twilight and Sunset.

"Hey Midnight how's the tour?" Asked Sunset.

"Uhh duhh fine!" She replied rolling her eyes.

The other 7 exchanged glances.

"Are you sure?" Twilight asked.


"Who's the new student then?" Rainbow asked.


Twilight was shocked of what she heared. So as Sunset. Chrysalis. A villain who attack Canterlot in Equestria. She can change into anyone and fool them!


At the hallways, the 7 friends walked together to discuss the problem without Midnight.

"So you're saying that w-we can't trust no one?" Fluttershy asked terrified.

"Maybe." Twilight said.
"We were already fooled by her in Canterlot back in Equestria. She turned into my brother's wife, Princess Cadence and I was so suspicious on it that I have solved the case!"

Vice Principal Luna then opened her door and went to the girls. "Sorry to interupt girls but have you seen the other Twilight who ame from CPA?" She asked. "Or the new student, Chrysalis."

The 7 friends shook their heads in confusion.

"Why what's wrong?" Sunset asked.

"Well, others said that Chrysalis was gone with the other Twilight when she just shouted at some students." she explained.

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