Chapter 9

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Someone shouted. The mane 7 turned to where the scream was coming from. Then they discovered it was Midnight Sparkle.

"Midnight. What's the matter?" Sunset asked.

Mostly Midnight's appearance is a messy one. Her hair and clothes are like from the squatters and whatnot.

"It was terrible. Chrysalis almost killed me!"  She replied.

"Did she take you to a dark cave somewhere in Equestria?" Twilight asked.

"No. Actually she took me somewhere I don't know." Midnight said.

"Darling. Enough with the chatting. Can we first get you cleaned up first before you tell us the whole story?" Rarity said worried and engrossed of what she is wearing.

"Rarity's right. We better take you to her store and get you a new set of clothes." Apple Jack said.

"What about classes?" Sunset asked.

"I guess Principal Celestia and Vice Principal Luna understands." Fluttershy replied.

"Yeah. This is a magical problem especially to CHS, Equestria and the world." Rainbow told them.

Twilight then noticed Midnight was thinking very hard on something and not concentrating or listening to them at all. "Anything wrong Midnight?" She said suspecting that she is a fake Midnight Sparkle.

When Midnight heard her name, she suddenly was snapped out from what she was thinking. "Oh ummm nothing. I just remembered the things that Chrysalis was making me do. So what was that again?"

"We were supposed to take you to Rarity's shop and help you. While Sunset was worried cause we might get detention. And we are trying to convince her to help you." Pinkie Pie said mostly babbling.

"Wait a minute..... Are you sure that we can trust this other Twilight that she is not Chrysalis?" Rainbow said doubtable.

"There's only one way to find out." Apple Jack said. "Sunset. Can you consider now how very important this is?"

Sunset sighed. "Fine. We'll go to Rarity's"


A/N: So guys here is a short chapter. Sorry it was a long update cause of the Achievement Test we had last July 15, 2016. Or was it 16? Idk. And school work, making Youtube Videos, and many problems. So if the next update is long, I ask for your patience. Thanks! :D

~*Crystal Midnight*~

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 25, 2016 ⏰

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