Chapter One

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"Are you alright?" a voice yells. Sirens were screaming from all around. The sound of swerving cars around me became all too familiar, and I wanted to wake up. I wanted to get up and tell everyone that I was okay, that I would be fine. But I couldn't. Something was wrong. Why can't I wake up?!

I lay here in the middle of the road trying to remember what had just happened. I just layed there.  People were walking all around me, yelling things at one another but I couldn't see who, because I could not awaken. My mind was hopelessly blank and no matter how hard I tried to remember, I couldn't.

I vaugely remember being lifted onto a hard surface in which I assumed must have been a gureney. I don't recall passing out, but it's hard not to when you can't open your eyes. More yelling was heard and I was soon lifted upon a stiff surface which felt like a bed. And of course, my suspisions were correct as I soon began to hear beeping from somewhere beside me. I was in the hospital, but why? I don't even know what happend!

It was cold and only a thin sheet lay over my frail body. I wish I could get up and ask for something warmer, but it wasn't possible. How long would it take for someone to realize that I have goosebumps covering my skin? The wind from outside is whisteling, they must have left the window open, I guess that explains the cold. I tried to remember what brought me here again but all I can remember is laying on the road earlier. Was I hurt? I didn't understand why they brought me here if I was just laying on the road. Am I crazy? Am I in a Mental Hospital?

I could hear heels clashing on the hard floors from the nurses, it must be day again. Doctors yell towards one another demanding them to do a certain task. And I just lay here; oblivious as to why I am even here. I am hungry, and I'm tired, and I just wish some damn person would fill in the blanks for me! And then, my eye began to water. I was crying, I wasn't sure how I managed to do it but the sound of heels began to near towards me. It must be a nurse checking in on me. I worked on squeezing out another tear, but instead I saw a nurse who looked somewhere in her 20's enter the room. She was tall and had no smile upon her face. Aren't all nurses supposed to smile when somewhere a patient is? The nurse fixes my sheets and soon, her eyes meet mine a smile appearing on her face.

"You're awake!" she says astonised. She then quickly exits the room, probably getting another doctor. Hey, atleast I put a smile on her face, am I right?

Soon enough, two doctors enter the room, the nurse from earlier following behind, giving the doctors their space to work. When the doctors finished, the nurse takes a seat in the chair that was next to my bed, the one that I didn't even know was there until now.

"Do you know what happened?" the nurse asks me.

My voice came out very cracked, I could hardly reconize it as my own, "No." I reply. The nurse nods and takes out a pen from her uniform pocket, writing down my replies.

"Do you remember anything?" she tries again.

Once again, my voice cracked during my reply, "Laying on the road. I remember that." The nurse frowns and continues writing it all down.

"Am I crazy for laying on the road?" I say without thinking. My voice still cracked, was that normal? Permanent?

The nurse laughs, "No, no. You are not crazy for being on the road. Your voice is cracking I'm sure you hear that, don't you? It's normal after being comatose for so long. It will fade away over time."

Coma? Who was in a coma? I wasn't in a coma, was I? And my voice would be like this for longer then just this? That is so not cool!

The nurse smiles towards me, and leaves the room without saying anything else.

I stare out the window of my room, I can see a nearby tree, it's leaves just barely there, the sun shining. The grass green, and no snow to be found. How was this possible? It had been snowing the night I layed on the road! A flapping soung enters my thoughts as a little blue bird lands on the windowsill, and stares directly at me.

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