Chapter 10 Part 1

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After being in Armin's house Eren and Mikasa was walking home, the moon was already up. Eren was staring at the moon as he remembres Armin told them the blood moon comes tonight. ''Mikasa! Want to see the blood moon tonight with me?'' Eren says with excitment. ''No Eren, we have school tomorrow, you forgot?'' She look at Eren with a serious face. ''I know I know, but the blood moon is more improtant!'' Eren sighs. ''Why it's so improtant?'' Mikasa asks. ''Because you will not see it again! Duh!'' Eren awnsers her. ''I am not going to this stupid thing, you go watch it.. I'm not coming.'' Mikasa rolled her eyes and walked faster to her way home. ''M-mikasa, wait for me!'' Eren runs to her. ''Eren let's just get home, I feel someone is following us...'' She whispers to Eren's ear, she looked around to check out if nobody is following. Eren got a bit scared, he felt like he was getting pranked but he dosen't, They heared some bushes sounds. ''I'm scared...'' Eren whispered. Mikasa holded Eren's hand and runned with him to their house.

After some minutes they got home, they knocked the door and then Levi opened it. ''Why you came home so late...?'' He glared at both of them. ''We was at Armin's house...'' Eren awnsered shyly. ''Tch, fine... Eren your going to see the blood moon tonight?'' Levi asked, Eren smiled. ''Yes! Yes I am going!'' Eren cheered. ''Ugh, you too Levi? That's stupid, it's only a red moon...'' Mikasa yawned. ''Ugh, I am going to bed guys... See ya in the morning...'' She walked up stairs to her room. ''Eren, we gonna stay up until the blood moon starts. So that means we are not going to school tomorrow.'' Levi told Eren. ''Woah, it's my first time not going to school...'' Eren said quitly. ''Huh?'' Levi's eyes widend. ''Yeager you never did that?'' ''N-no...'' Eren awnsered looking down to the floor. ''So this is gonna be your first time then, you gonna feel good about it...Mikasa gonna give us the homework y'know?'' Levi smirked. ''Oh, and we gonna be with my friends.'' Levi patted Eren's head and walked to the living room. Eren smiled and he followed him. ''Really?'' Eren cheered silently. ''Yeah, You already know Petra, theres more of them. You gonna see them later okay?'' Levi layed on the black couch and was texting in his phone. Eren just sitted silently staring at the floor. ''Eren, you look creepy like this...'' Levi said not looking away from his phone. ''Huh?'' Eren looked up. ''I said you looked creepy when you stared at the floor, Tch...'' Levi closed his phone and looked at Eren and then at the clock. ''It's 01:00AM, Let's nap before we gonna see the blood moon, we have like 4 hours until that. Okay Yeager?'' Levi getted up the couch and then walked to the kitchen, He took a cigarrates box and walked upstairs to his balcony. Eren followed Levi. ''Y-your smoking?'' Eren said shocked. ''Are you stalking me or something? Oh, and yes...'' Levi looked away, he started smoking. ''That's not healthy you know?'' Eren still was shocked. The cigarate smoke leaved Levi's mouth. ''Tch, I know...I'm not smoking them every second like all the idiots does, Why would I harm myself like this huh?''

After four hours Levi and Eren took their bags and leaved the house, Levi took a camera with him so he can photo him and the others. They opened the door and they saw Levi's group. ''Hey guys, so I wanna itreduce you Eren. He and his sister is living with me now because his parents got murdured.'' Levi said to his group, they all gasped. ''Hey Eren, nice to meet you, my name is Gunther.'' Gunther waved to Eren, and then Eren waved back. ''My names Erd.'' Erd smiled. ''Tch, my names Aurou...'' Aurou tried to act like Levi, all the group face palmed. ''Oh and my names Petra, you already know me Eren. But it still nice to meet you again!'' Petra smiled and gave Eren a hug. Levi became a bit of jelous and looked away. ''Okay guys let's go, we need to see the blood moon.'' Levi said walking to hes car. ''We are going to the abondend park, we gonna make a picnic there.'' Petra smiled as Levi opened the car. Levi set down in the driver seat and everybody else at their own places. Levi started driving. ''This is gonna be fun.'' Gunther said. ''Yes it is!'' Eren cheered. ''I bringed beer!'' Aurou said. ''Beer?'' Eren asked. ''I'm underage I can't drink this.'' Eren panicked a bit. ''Nah Eren that's fine, How old are you anyway?'' Petra asked Eren. ''Fifteen.'' Levi awnsered imadiatly, everyone gasped a bit. ''Did he saw you smoking Levi?'' Erd asked. ''Yes he did...'' Levi awnsered driving a bit faster. ''Okay then... So what Eren gonna drink then?'' Erd asked. ''Good I bringed some water!'' Petra got out a water bottle out of her bag. ''Here Eren, put this in your bag.'' Petra handed Eren the water. ''T-thank you...'' Eren took it. ''Tch...'' Levi rolled his eyes, he stopped driving. ''Were here...'' Levi got out of the car and everyone did the same. Eren saw a girl with glasses with a messy ponytail. ''Who's that?'' Eren asked pointing at her. ''Oh, this is Hanji...Shes crazy when she meets someone new..'' Levi awnsered to Eren. ''Hanji! Come here!'' Petra waved to her. ''Oh your here!'' She yelled and ran to them, she stopped when she saw Eren. ''Oh, who are you my child?'' She smiled at Eren. ''My names Eren miss..And who are you?'' Eren mumbled at her. ''My names Hanji! Nice to meet you Eren! So your the guy Levi was talking about!!!'' Hanji shacked Eren's hand. ''Hanji calm down...'' Levi stopped her. ''How can I calm down from someone cute as Eren?!'' She started claping. ''Let's just sit down and wait for the blood moon guys...'' Aurou said taking out of his bag some beer glass bottles. Petra took out some sandwiches as Erd helped Petra. Levi got out his camera and kneeled down taking a photo of everyone.

'click' 'click'

Those sounds came out of the camera. Everyone looked at Levi. ''Levi don't tell us you took a photo!'' They yelled. ''Yes I did.'' Levi said getting up holding his camera, Eren just layed down on the grass and looked at the moon. Hanji got out from her bag a book. ''I bringed a horror book!'' Hanji yelled from excitment. ''Good job Hanji!'' Gunther thumbed up to her. The moon began to become red. ''Guys! Look the moon!'' Eren pointed to the sky as everrybody took their stuff and sitted near Eren. ''The moon is so...Beautiful...'' Everybody said instead of Levi. They just looked at the moon eating and drinking, Eren just stared at it until he felt something touch his hand. It was Levi, Eren looked at Levi and blushed and then looked away to the moon. Hanji saw the noth guys holding hands. ''Oooh! The two lovers holding hands!!!'' Hanji shouted. Everybody looked and Eren and Levi they was shocked, Eren blushed and stoped holding Levi's hand. ''Why didn't you told us you two are lovers?'' Petra said, she looked dispaointed because she was heaving a secret crush on Levi. ''Tch, we are lovers okay?'' Levi said annoyed by Hanji. 'Argh perfect, Four eyes discovered me and Eren and lovers' Levi thought

Eren got up from the ground. ''I-I think I need to go...'' Eren mumbled. ''But the blood moon is still not over Eren...'' Levi said looking at him. ''I-I don't want to distorve you guys, haha...'' Eren fake laughed and walked away. Levi got up from the ground too and ran to Eren. ''Eren! Wait!'' Levi chased him, finally he reached Eren's hand and stoped him from running. ''What do you want?'' Eren's eyes began to be teary. ''Please don't go...Because...Your my true love...'' Levi hugged Eren a warm hug as the blood moon shines at them.

Sorry for not uploading for so long, I was busy and this is the chapter that took me two days to make ^o^ Hope you enjoyed reading this fanfiction, I think this is the end of the fanfiction. I'm still not sure.

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