Time to Catch Up

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I didn't like Nyx's brother. He didn't sit well with me. And those fangs were not werewolf. I knew they weren't. I also didn't like the sound of this Athea girl. Who was she to Nyx and why did she want him to go to her house. I felt something weird in my chest. I was angry, but it wasn't at Nyx, it was at the situation of him and her.

Nyx moved around the kitchen trying to whip up breakfast quickly for us. I got tired of the feeling in my chest and the questions in my head so I took a deep breath and closed my eyes.

"N-Nyx?" I ask softly.

He looked up from the stove to look at me. "Yes baby?"

I still needed to know why he called me baby, but I would ask later. "W-Who is Athea?" I try to keep any tone of anger as I say her name.

Nyx sighed. "She's my sister. Well half-sister."

I nearly sighed in relief. Only his sister. I was okay with that but wait-half-sister? "What's a half-sister?"

He smiled at me sadly. "It means we share only one parent. Unfortunately, we share a father."

I nod my head in understanding. "Okay. I-I have another question."

Nyx grinned still cooking. "Go ahead and ask baby."

"Why do you call me a b-baby? Is it because I-I'm small?" I asked. It kind of upset me that he thought I was as fragile and as small as a baby.

Nyx's grin turned into a frown. "No, baby and baby girl are terms of endearment. Like sweetheart or honey. I like calling you my baby, unless you don't want me to."

I shook my head vigorously. "N-No! It's okay. I-I just didn't know why you called me that."

Nyx gave me a small smile and nodded fixing our plates. "I have a lot to teach you Jasabelle."

"I-Is there a library or somewhere I can get books? I-I want to learn." I asked. I needed to take advantage of being here, just in case Nyx changes his mind about me. I want to at least learn new things so I don't act stupid.

"Actually there's a library connected to my office. I'll show you after we eat." He placed a plate filled with eggs, sausages and bacon.

I sighed, hoping I could through more than three bites of it.
After getting through more than I thought I could eat, Nyx led me upstairs back into his office. He showed me a door that I hadn't noticed before next to one of the bookcases. He led me up a staircase that led to the library.

I gaped at how big it was. The room was lined with shelves! The ceiling was higher than any I had seen in the house.

"Wow." Was all I could manage through my amazement.

I heard Nyx chuckle behind me. "There are over one thousand books in here. There are encyclopedias, werewolf history books, science books, psychology books, and my favorite, erotic novels." He grinned down deviously at me.

I blushed hard as he said this and continued my exploration of the space. There were small love-seats scattered around the room and they each had fleece blankets on them. There was a small desk against the wall with a lamp.

"This can be your room if you like. I can have it decorated they was you like it." Offered Nyx.

I shook my head. I liked the crimson red it was painted. It made the room feel warm. "I-I like it. It's a-a-amazing. I can't wait to l-learn about what I-I've missed." I grinned at him for the first time.

Nyx stared down at me in adoration and grabbed my face delicately in his large hands. "You are so beautiful. God you don't even know how much you affect me."

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