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I could not believe the feeling that had come over me. It felt....different than it had before. Before with my wolf I felt safe and complete, but this time she came back and I felt strong. I felt like a leader, like I could take on the entire world.

We were born leaders lovely, I just was not aware of it yet. Artemis whispered to me as I laid my mates arms.

What do you mean, what do you know now that you didn't know then? I asked her.

I have learned a bit of history and have traveled to another place when you lost me. I will make sure you know everything soon lovely. She told me in a motherly tone.

Artemis was different now. I knew she was the same wolf I was born with, but she was a bit different now. So confident, so much like a Luna should be. I grateful that I had her back, but it was even better knowing that I had her back as more of a leader. Being trapped in that horrible place under Alpha Harvey had weakened her significantly until she had just disappeared from me.

I shook my head trying to repress the memories of that beating. Just thinking about it made me itch and the feeling of my skin being torn was almost too vivid of a feeling for me to bear.

"Nyx." I murmured in his chest.

"Yes baby?" he responded softly.

"You need to go back to the pack house." I reminded him. "You have to do a lot of work."

"I am not leaving you alone here." Nyx's harsh reply came with a tighter grip.

I rolled my eye behind my closed eyelids. "Nyx you cannot stay here babysitting me for days at a time. I can protect myself better than before now, especially with Artemis back, not that I'm ready to shift again, but she's here for me."

Nyx growled down at me. "The last time I left you alone you were attacked Jasabelle, theres no way on this Earth I'm leaving you alone again."

I sighed. "Nyx, you are going to eventually have to leave me at home alone. You cannot expect me to go alone with you on every trip, to every meeting, or to every ceremony."

"Why not?"

I threw my hands up in exasperation. "You are impossible. I am staying and you are going."

"Jasabelle, I sai-"

"And I said you are going. End of discussion." I said forcefully.


"I said, end of discussion." I told him again forcefully now sitting up in his lap looking him in his face.

Nyx blinked down at me in shock, then smirked at me slightly. "Yes ma'am."

I nodded at him, shifting in his lap so that I was straddling him. I squeaked when I felt his erection poke my thigh.

I blushed madly at the toothy grin he shot at me. "Nyx!" I exclaimed.

"Yes my love?" he teased, slightly pushing his erection into my naked thigh. The shorts I was wearing left most of my thigh exposed, and the thin material of the pants that Nyx had on were not exactly making the redness in my face go away.

"W-Why are you so...." I trailed of, not finishing the sentence. Not that I think the sentence needed any finishing.

"Why am I what baby girl?" He asked with a faux confused face as he slid his hands down to my hips, his touch was feather light, but my body was hypersensitive for no apparent reason and my body convulsed with every light brush of his fingers that now were under my thin t-shirt.

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