Hi my name is Skylar, and yes I am a girl. I'm nineteen years old and go to Alec Cider College. I personally believe that who ever named this school just really wanted apple cider, but anyways the readers don't really care about the name of the school anyway. My life is....complicated you could say but I'm sure that'll be shown sooner than later. So let me skip this boring stuff and get to the storyline.
"Skylar!" My mom hollered from the kitchen down stairs. "This is the last time I'm gonna tell you to get your ass out of bed! If you miss you're ride I'm not driving you to school."
Yup. That's my mom she's a major drunk and smoker like in every case of a girls life gone wrong. She's a beautiful woman however. Long silky black strands of hair pour out from her head and rest on her shoulders. She has gorgeous big blue eyes, a cute button nose and pretty pink lips, not to mention she had a figure that every girl wants. I wish I was as pretty as her but I took more of my dads qualities than hers. Sure my hair was long but it was a dirty blonde color that reminds me of the dirt mixed with sand that you see when you get close to the beach. My eyes were an ordinary brown color and my nose was ..well it isn't pointy but it wasn't a button one either. My figure isn't the best either. Sure I'm slim but I have no curves what so ever and I'm tall like 5.8'tall. No guy wants a girl who's taller than them and has limbs they don't know what to do with.
"Fine then I'll just stay home then!" I yelled to her from under my covers.
"Go right on ahead. I don't care whether you do or not! Just don't bother me all day!"She whined.
"Yeah I get it mom. It's not like my education mattered anyway! I can really feel how much you care!"
"What!?" Her annoyance spread through the house.
"Nothing! I said I'm getting ready!" I sat up in my bed pulling the covers off my torso. Hair stuck off of my head from every direction. It was obvious I rolled around a lot in my sleep last night.
I tried to pull my covers off the rest of the way but every inch lower made goosebumps cover my body. It was freezing but that's typical for Delaware in the winter and of course I wasn't wearing any pants as I do every night. It's more comfortable without them. Just a tank top and underwear works for me. (I bet that would draw a guy in easily if I told one that.)
Once out of bed I sluggishly picked up a pair of jeans off the floor and a torn up All Time Low t-shirt. I took a quick glance at myself in the mirror then decided it didn't really matter. I'm not going to be prettier within a night. I threw on a pair of socks with my outfit in the bathroom and put on some mascara and the slightest bit of eyeliner. After brushing my teeth and hair I ran into my little brothers room.
"Hey, Akira. You better get up now or mom is gonna be even more pissed than she already is." I told him.
I've always loved my brothers name. Akira. It just sounds so beautiful don't you think? It fits him perfectly.
"Shut up whore. Like I care." He shrugged, pulling his blankets above his head.
Yeah, perfectly...... You know other than his personality. He takes more after my mother than I do in looks and personality. Like I said I'm like dad. Looks and personality alike.
"Okay have fun being late again. You'll never get into a good college at your rate." I sighed running down the stairs with a roll of my eyes.
Once I was down there I went to the kitchen to get something to eat. The clock read 8 o'clock, classes start at nine so I had an hour and seeing how I live about 15 minutes away from the college and I car pull, I had plenty of time. I grabbed a pack of wild berry pop tarts and sat down at the table, eating silently. Mom sat across from me smoking a cigarette. The gross smell of smoke permeated the room. I was half tempted to put on a gas mask. Akira made his way to the kitchen taking his time in all his grogginess wearing only a pair of American flag boxers. I wrinkled my nose at the sight of him.
"I get that we're family and all, but could you please wear some clothes." The sight of his bear torso made my stomach turn.
"You can't talk." He yawned. "You walk around in your bra and underwear almost every day."
"Yeah when I'm in my room where no one will see me. I put something on when I leave it unlike someone."
"Shut the fuck up. " mom growled. "You're hurting my head."
Akira sat down quietly giving me the stink eye the entire time. I could careless though. I was about to leave anyway. I threw away my wrapper then grabbed my bag and walked toward the door after throwing on my Chuck Taylors.
"Bye guess I'll be home after work." I said opening the door.
"Buy us some food. I spent all my money on the last house payment. Oh, Skylar, get me some more cigarettes too." Mom told me.
I walked out of the house without replying. She was as reliable as ever. And the cigarettes, that's all she ever wanted. Those things were more important to her than her own kids. I just blew it off and sat on the porch breathing in the fresh, smoke free air until a navy blue Chevy pulled up.
"Hey sky." A guy said scrolling down the window.
"Hey Grey!" I replied getting up. As I began to get up a memory started to replay in my mind.
"Daddy!" A seven year old me yelled running to my dad at our car. "Where are we going?"
I shook my head and came back to reality. Taking a deep breath I walked over to the truck and made my way in.
"You good?" He asked as I shut my door.
"Yeah just a flash of the past that's all. Thanks for driving me to school today. I can't believe my car broke down at Walmart of all places."
"Yeah, it really sucks to be you right now." He laughed.
I punched him in the side. "Shut up."
Greyson is my best friend (Grey for short). I've known him since second grade. He's a real pain in the ass most of the time but he pulls through whenever I actually need him. He's been a better friend to me than any girl has, you know other than my cousin but we'll get to her later. Grey is a huge player though. I guess he can be with those looks. He has shaggy brown hair with baby blue eyes kinda like my moms but way lighter. He's pretty fit also. He's a slim guy with some abs and muscle. I'm proud I get to say that that butt is my friend..... Sometimes.
"Hey~!" He pouted speaking in a child like voice. "No hitting the driver~!"
"Oh stop it you baby. I barely hit you." I told him.
"Whatever." He laughed as I glared at him. My eyes burning holes through his head. "So any guys hit on you yet?"
"Nope and you're gonna owe me a fifty bub." I smirked.
Oh yeah important thing to mention. The two of us have a big bet going on. He thinks that I can get a boyfriend in two months. He also believes that I have a nice ass so obviously he's got something wrong going on in that head of his. And as you can tell I know I won't get one especially not in that short time period. Anyways, if I get a boyfriend within two months I owe him two bucks, a huge favor and a kiss on the cheek. If I win I get fifty bucks and cinnamon pretzel nuggets with vanilla milkshakes from Auntie Anne's . I'm looking forward to stuffing my face.
"Uhuh. Sure Sky."
"Just drive you butt."
Until the end
RomanceSkylar is a nineteen year old girl with a complicated life. A druggie mom, rude younger brother and a harsh past just make up some of it. With the help of her best friend Greyson will she find the love of her life or end up falling for someone compl...