The Netherlands.

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The problem in holland.
We wanted to go on our roadtrip as fast as we could but there was a problem: Romee's little brother.

Because we where going to travel for a few moths or so, we needed to have someone who could look after our house. We all live together in a apartment in amsterdam. One of our best friends who couldn't go with us on the roadtrip was looking after our house and our cats but there still was a problem, romee's brother didn't want to let go off her. After hours off trying and trying it finally worked and we could go.

Just kidding

We didn't. We had to get gas, grosaries and many more things before we were able to leave. We weren't ready at all.

After gattering all the suplies and gas we finaly were able to go. Everybody was geting in the cars. Some familymembers were waving us goodbye and in minutes we were on our way to Denmark.

The journey to Denmark
We were on our way to Denmark. Everything was going well. But we found some trouble in Berlin. We wanted to look at the berliner wall, so thats why we went there. When we were done looking at the wall we continued our journey to Denmark. But in Berlin there were a few weird problems. First there was a drunk guy that was trying to pee on our car. Then we almost hit a cat on our way to the wall. And lastly we almost got stopped by a police man because he didn't believe Diana was 18, as she was driving. But we made it save through Berlin and we could continue our journey.

About a hour away from Berlin the car started going slower and we were getting worried that we had no more gas. Sky had the job to fill the car with gas but she forgot to do that. So we were with no gas in the middel of Denmark.

"Maybe a car passes by." Romee said.
"No we are here for a good hour now and no car has passed by." Jill says.
"I just really hope we don't have to stay here for to long." Sky said.
"Same." Dianna said.

Another hour later.
"THERE IS A CAR." Maddie said.
"OMG YES I CAN SEE IT TO." Sky said.
"It needs to stop, lets block the road." Summer says.
"Great plan summer but wat if we get hit by the car." Jill says.
"Whatever as long as we get out off here." Jamie says.
We try to stop the car and it works. In the car there is a nice lady that helped us. She had some spare gas in in the back of her car. We were really lucky. And we could continue the journey to the camping place.

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