Chapter 3

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Hey! Whoo! I have 41 reads! Can you believe that?! But no one cares to comment except for one person....should I just stop this story all together? I mean do people even like this story? I feel like I should comment on my OWN story so I can at least have ONE comment....but that's just plain sad and desperate. Sigh...on to Chapter 3, I guess.


Chapter 3

 The girls let go of me, and stepped away. With a glare from Breanna to Paul, she said, "We were apologizing for leaving her, you know, last night." A look of recognition went across his face.

 "Well we were there last night too, shouldn't we all give her a hug?" Paul asked raising an eyebrow at me.

"Nope, sorry, girls only brother." Chloe told him, going over to Vince and giving him a kiss. Paul made a yuck face at them and walked away.

"Fine." He responded to Chloe sighing dramatically.

"Um, so what are you guys doing today?" I questioned, still feeling like I wasn't part of the group.

"We were actually going to the library to do some...research." Justin replied. I thought about what I saw last night, and an idea popped up in my head.

"Really? Is it to much trouble if I go with you guys?" I asked, hoping they would say yes, I didn't know where the library was in the first place.

"That's fine, you can come." Adrian answered my question, I silently cheered doing a happy dance in my head. They all started walking towards the door, and I followed behind, once outside, I asked yet another question.

"What are you guys researching?"  Everyone just sort of glanced at Justin, and he nodded at them. Vince turned to me.

"It's a school project, we have to learn about....Sherlock Homes, yeah." After that, nothing was said. We eventually made it to the library.

"So Syd, we are heading this way." Breanna told me pointing to the book section.

"That's fine, I'm going to be at the computers." If I can find them, I added in my head. They nodded and walked away from me, far away. I walked the opposite direction, hoping to find the computers. When I did, I turned it one of them on, and waited for it to boot up. After feeling paranoid, I looked around to see if anyone was around me, but no one was thankfully, I saw my friends in a distance but they looked like to be in a very heated argument, guess Sherlock Holmes wasn't working for them. I blew out air, and turned back towards the computer. I brought up the Cadwell Search Engine, and typed in wolves in New York. And the only real thing that came up was wolves in a zoo or tattoos, which made no sense at all. I sighed, and hit back space until all of it was gone. I decided to try a new approach. I tapped my fingers against the keyboard and looked around again, and after some thought I typed in wolves at Cadwell Academy. And that gave me nothing helpful, except finding out Cadwell Academy's mascot is a wolf, go figure?

This was hopeless, I really am crazy, Craig was right all along. Dang him. I deleted my history and got up and got way from the computer, and I made my way over to everyone else. Straight into the conversation they were having. "I really think we should tell her!" Breanna whispered furiously. Were they talking about me....I certainly now know they weren't talking about no Sherlock Holmes. Liars.

"No not yet! She doesn't need to know anything, she doesn't even know..." Justin said, and I couldn't hear what else he said, but I figured they were definitely talking about me.

"She has to know something! She saw us, I know she did, I read her mind." Sabrina said. WAIT?! Did she just say she READ my mind, oh hell no.

"That doesn't mean a thing, it doesn't mean she knows about us, and her." Paul said trying to be reasonable. I was so confused right now, what did I have to do with anything.

"We're just lucky she didn't see us shift." Dalten said. Shift? Alright I so had enough of this. I knocked on the bookcase I was standing by. They all jumped and turned around with wide eyes.

"Yeah, hey, one hint, if you want to talk about me, you should do it in a less private place, and well away from me." I told them.

"We weren't talking about you!" Adrian exclaimed. I crossed my arms, rose an eyebrow, knowing they knew they were caught.

"Oh really now?" I asked.

"Can it Adrian, she knows we were." Sabrina said, eyes on me.

"And I thought I was the paranoid crazy one, you should all check yourself into a psych ward or something." I informed them and began to walk away. I heard footsteps following me so I picked up the pace and ran and hid behind a wall. It didn't make a difference though because in the second I thought I got away, I was pinned to the wall I was hiding behind, by Justin. We were both breathing hard and glaring at each other.

"Justin let her go." Breanna said, trying to come to my rescue. Justin...growled at her....growled?

"Let me handle this Bre, I'm alpha." Justin said. Alpha? Okay what the hell is going on, I thought to myself.  Breanna rolled her eyes at his behavior, and mumbled

"Next in line for alpha."

"You don't owe me an explanation, Mr. Alpha male, after all I hardly know any of you." I told him getting my breathing controlled.

"She's right Justin, stop acting alpha male, it's not attractive." Paul said, I tried not to smile at his words.

"Oh shut it Paul, you are just upset because your next in line for beta and not alpha." Sabrina told him, hitting the back of his head.

"Now if you would be so kind as to let me go, I can be on my way, you're starting to make a scene." I said trying to push away from him, he got closer to me and growled whispering,

"I can make a scene, if you really want me to?" and put his head near my neck and I felt his breath on my neck. My eyes grew wide. This was a very very sudden mood change, and I was very very trying on not leaning into his touch, thank god Sabrina pulled him away from me, I was blushing and I didn't know if it was from anger or....yeah lets not go down that road. It was for anger. Definitely. I quickly began to walk away straight to the house, and straight up to my room, shutting the door in the process. Just for it open again for three girls to walk in, should have known.

"Tell us what you saw Syd, and we fill in the blanks." Chloe said to me as I sat on my bed.

"All I saw were wolves, I swear." I responded.

"Do you need an explanation?" Sabrina asked, I gave her a what do you think kind of look. "Okay...everyone in this house is a wolf." I fell off my bed and began coughing,

"Excuse me?" I was able to make out between my coughing.


YAY!!! I'm done with Chapter 3! Please read and comment! I need some encouragement here! Were you surprised Justin turned all pervy and playboy-ish? I was too. I just suddenly wanted to put that in while I was typing, but I can change him back if you guys want? I mean, which way would you prefer, give me your input, that means comment! Pleaseeee!!!! If not, I'm just going to keep him like this. But still comment! P-L-E-A-S-E! Look I spelled it out. So pleeaassseee! Oh and...don't get about the vote thing, but still vote!

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