chapter 3 trouble in paradise

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Dipper's POV:

One month today!!!! Time has gone by with a breeze mostly to do with the fact that I now have wendy in my arms finally making me the happiest man alive. I had planned a surprise date for me and wendy to celebrate our first month together so there I laid waiting for me to make tomorrow the best day of Wendy's life.

As I awoke and sat up with tired eyes they shot open as I looked at the clock as saw it was 11:38 am meaning I had 22 minutes to get ready for the best date of mine and Wendy's life.
As I got dressed and brushed my teeth I found a note on my favourite blue cap saying:
Good morning honey I got here early so we could start our day together but when I got here I found you asleep so if you're wondering where I am just walk down stairs and look left baby
P.s. I love you

Love wendy

Once I finished reading the letter she had wrote for me I ran downstairs faster then you can say mystery at first I forgot the last part of the letter and looked at the cash register but saw no one I began to think that she had left but then I remembered to look left and once I did that's when I saw her for the first time in my life I saw her away from her magazine while at work and was waiting for me. When I walked up to my beautiful redhead I couldn't help but stare at her for a couple of seconds until I heard her say my name, which finally brought me back to reality. She gave me a kiss on the lips and then I said 'so are you ready for the best day of your life my love?' as I said that she gave me two thumbs up and said 'let's go dork'

Me and wendy were walking through the forest when I told her to close her eyes she looked at me curiously so I told her it's a surprise. As we made it to the spot that I had made I told her to open her eyes at first I saw them slowly open and then all of a sudden they shot wide open, they began to look teary, I walked up to her and said 'this was a stupid idea I am so sorry you don't lik-' I was cut off as I suddenly felt her soft yet wet lips on mine after about a minute she pulled away and said 'I love it dipper this is amazing' I felt so happy, with that I was almost in tears we continued to walk through the surprise party of the forest which had all the trees with mine and her name carved into them.

As we got to our final destination lazy Susans diner, we were smiling like there was no tomorrow, i begged lazy Susan to give me the diner for a peaceful day which she had agreed to only because she loves how good I am with wendy. As we sat down at the candlelit table, we looked around to admire how truly beautiful the diner was when we noticed that sat at the next table was Wendy's teenage friends and her ex robbie, my face dropped, I stared at him in dismay as he sat there staring back at us both with pure jealousy and rage. I tried to remain calm and be the bigger person so I told wendy to just ignore him and I tried to do the same but for some reason he quickly got up out of his seat, came over to us and sat directly next to wendy and put his greasy, gothic arm around her, I rose out of my seat and tried my best to intimidate him by standing over him, the only problem, I'm not tall enough to tower over him, he laughed at me and moved his body closer to wendy, she pushed him away and threw his arm off of her, for a second I was relieved but then he pushed closer to her again and said "I've missed you baby, what are you doing with him when you can have me?" As he leaned in to kiss her soft cheek he glanced at me and smirked as if to say 'this is my girl not yours' the next thing robbie felt wasn't Wendy's cheek as he expected but my clenched, raging fist breaking his long pointy nose, after impact I looked at my throbbing hand and saw blood gushing out of three knuckles, the pain was unbelievable, but it was worth it, robbie jumped backwards away from wendy screaming with agony, with blood pouring out of his nose and mouth, he fell off the chair onto the floor and struggles to get back up, when he does he runs out of the diner with tears and blood streaming down his face, hearing the people in the diner laughing at his humiliation.
I look back at my love to see if she's okay but all I see is fear, disappointment and worry on her face, in less than a second I felt more ashamed of myself in this one moment then I have at any other point in my life I sat down next to her with the warmest smile I could muster and begged that she forgive me for my childish behaviour I saw her look at me with a little smile I then said ' I love you so much but he was making me angry I understand if you hate me bu-' I was once again cut off with her yelling 'i love you so much too I am happy you defended me just please next time if anything like this happens try and find another way to fix it please' she hugged me as hard as possible as she finished her sentence, I am so happy that she's forgiven me, her love and trust is the only thing I really care about and I'm a fool to have scared her like that but luckily she's given me another chance, I just can't let anything like this happen again...
After the ordeal today I took her home, once we reached her house I smiled at her at said ' I am sorry that I ruined today I will make it up to you I love you loads wendy have sweet dreams my beautiful, sweet girl' I then gave her a gentle kiss on the lips which was returned with a passionate kiss. She then said ' I love you too goodnight my knight in shining armour ' we then shared one last kiss before parting ways for the day I can't wait till tomorrow I thought as I reached the mystery shack.

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