chapter 4 suprise birthday

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This chapter is dedicated to @ emmy_97
For showing me that even a amateur writer like me can do well if I put my mind to it
it is also dedicated to @JessaMe123 for showing me my errors and helping me fix them to improve my stories.


Wendy's pov :

The moment I woke up I was bombarded with big bare hugs from my farther and 3 brothers. I wondered why tho as I got dressed and said my goodbyes and I left for the mystery shack I heard them all yell have a good day wendy which only made me wonder why are they being so nice.

On the way there I bump into a shocked dipper, curiosity got the best of me and I asked him "what's wrong", he then replied "nothings wrong I just want to take you out for a picnic, I love you"I was suspicious straight away and asked "what about Stan?"
"Stan has allowed us to have the day off just for today"
"What's so special about today?" I ask curiously
"Today's the day that I want to spend entirely with you"
I then looked up when I realised something, Dipper wasn't wearing his trade - mark pine tree hat
"Where's your hat dipper have you forgot it?"
"The only way Stan would let us have the day off is if I repayed him by giving him my trade - mark hat"
Dipper grabbed my hand quickly and quickly practically dragged me to the arcade, I was out of breath keeping up with him and I was wondering about his hat.

Once there he gave me a cheeky smile so I gave him a big grin in return, he passed me a coin and said "this coin will never run out" I then looked at the coin and realised the string attached to my finger, I put the coin into an arcade machine where you can win teddies then I pulled it back out, it worked the machine said that I had two goes to win a teddy, first try was an epic loss but then just as I went to go for the second try I felt dipper grab my hand and control where I moved it, he gave me a reassuring smile and said "we will beat this game together" and to my surprise we did, we had won a large panda duck teddy, we spent hours at the arcade playing games, during the time we was there dipper checked his watch a million times, when I finally asked "what's wrong with you dork? Are you expecting someone?" He then replied "Stan only allowed us a couple of hours sorry but we have to go back to the shack now" I was now more suspicious than ever, earlier he told me we had the whole day off, what's going on with him today? Dipper said "please trust me and let's go back" with pleading eyes, I gave in and followed him to the shack, as we stepped out the arcade it was pitch black so I held dippers hand for reasurrence.

As we reached the shack there were no lights on, this set an alarm off in my head, I looked at dipper, he smiled at me and told me to close my eyes, I then felt him let go of my hand and I heard his footsteps get farther away, I suddenly got cold, where's dipper? I heard the light switch flick on and dipper then shouted at the top of his lungs "open your eyes my love!" I opened my eyes to see my family, Dipper's family our friends and half the town, they then shouted altogether "happy birthday wendy!!!" I was taken aback, Dipper came up and hugged me tightly, my eyes began to tear up, I had no idea today was my birthday, I've never celebrated my birthday so I guess I kind of forgot about it, my family were always too busy to celebrate my birthday but yet their doing it now, why?

I looked at dipper as he pulled away from me and realised something shocking, he had his hat back, that lovely trade - mark hat that I have grown to love, but he also had a suit on now, I didn't notice when I first opened my eyes, "why did you lie to me dipper?" I asked, "I didn't want to lie to you wendy and I'm sorry I just wanted this to be the biggest surprise of your life" he said with a huge smile, I couldn't help but feel so loved by this romantic 12 year old as he'd gone out of his way to organise such an amazing surprise party, he has always treating me like a queen and now I finally feel like one, I can't help but smile uncontrollably, I've never been happier. I suddenly got grabbed and dragged away by mable, she pulled me upstairs into her bedroom and started pulling clothes from her wardrobe and throwing them at me, "I'm gonna make you look stunning for dipper" she said to me with a deep look of concentration, she mumbles things like "you're going to be as elegant as an angel in disguise" this made me blush, after an hour of trying on every dress mable had and every piece of makeup plastered on my face, this is horrible I hate makeup but I have got to admit I look pretty good I thought to myself. We walked downstairs with me in front and mable behind trying to keep all the attention on me, as I descended the stairs, the guests turned their heads and stared at me, but the only stare that got my attention was dippers, he nervously walked up to me looking bewildered and shocked, which found incredibly cute, he then without looking at me asked for the first dance, I asked him if he could say it again properly whilst looking at me, he then faced me with every ounce of courage he had and asked me for the first dance of the night, I smiled widely and agreed, as we stepped onto the dance floor a slow romantic song began to play, it was weird at first due to out severe height difference but it felt so right to be in his arms, well him in mine, he danced for hours staring blissfully into each others eyes, we ended the night with a kiss just before I left to go home with my dad dad and brothers, I'm so grateful to have such a wonderful person like dipper in my life, I couldn't imagine life with out that little dork, I love him, I truly, deeply love him.

Thank you for reading my story please vote if you enjoyed it and if you have any ideas I can use to improve this story feel free to message me or leave a comment.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 14, 2015 ⏰

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