Shutoku High

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Quiet murmurs surrounded him as he walked through the halls to get to his classroom. He didn't pay attention to any of it. Today's lucky item had him distracted. It was a picture of who you cherished most. Of course, for him, it was more than one person. He had a picture frame in his hand that he refused to let anyone see. It was his only picture that he had of them all. It had been taken by Momoi on Kuroko's birthday not too long ago.

He settled down in his desk and put his lucky item face down in the corner of his desk. He barely even noticed Takao sit in his seat behind him. "Hey, Shin-chan."

"What, nanodayo?"

"What's the picture of? Isn't it supposed to be of your most cherished?" Takao asked, feigning innocence. Midorima scowled at the other, before responding.

"If it was any of your business, I would've already told you," he replied. Takao pouted.

"Aw, that's mean Shin-chan! So it's not me?" he asked, only half joking.

"No, nanodayo," the green-head said. Before their conversation could progress, the teacher came in. Midorima didn't see the dark look that had come over Takao's face at his answer. It should have been a picture of him.

Midorima couldn't stop thinking about the Generation of Miracles. He really did miss the other five. What really irritated him, as well as the others, was that no one included Kuroko within the GOM. The other five, himself as well, had always seen Kuroko as apart of them.

He missed the days where they saw each other every day. Practiced together, hung out together, walked home together, and did everything together. The ringing bell took him out of his thoughts. He sighed as he got up out of his seat for lunch. Instead of eating, he went to the gym to practice his throwing. He strived to become better. He felt like the weakest one of the others. The most unimpressive.

Aomine could do anything. He was simply mesmerizing to watch, and even better to play against. Kise had the Perfect Copy, which made him simply incredible. Murasakibara could defend against anything you threw his way and was truly a beast on the court, especially when you provoked him. Akashi could see the entire court in his mind's eye and even predict what you're going to do. Kuroko could pass better than anyone else could even dream of. Not only could he pass well, but he also had exceptional observation skills and could maneuver his team through any obstacle.

Takao thought he was better than Kuroko, but he was nowhere close. Midorima sighed and threw the ball half-heartedly into the hoop. He missed, but he didn't even notice missing. His phone suddenly went off, causing him to frown.

'By the way, I forgot to tell you all that Kasamatsu found out. Thankfully he believes it's just Tetsucchi and I. I threatened him into not telling anyone. I'm sorry.'

It was sent to everyone in their group except Kuroko. He seemed to have gotten a different message. Midorima sighed and laid down on the floor of the gym, lost in his own thoughts for the rest of lunch. He hadn't even noticed that he hadn't eaten a thing.

Takao scowled as he watched the other. He had peeked at the picture that Midorima had left on his desk in his dazed state. He didn't know which member of the GOM was his Shin-chan's most cherished, but he would destroy them. He promised himself as he watched the other moping in the gym.


Midorima couldn't concentrate for the rest of the day, his thoughts still circling around the boys in the picture. The teacher had seemed to notice but thankfully hadn't said anything. Takao seemed to be quieter after lunch, but Midorima didn't care. When the bell rang, Midorima mechanically made his way to the locker room to change for basketball practice.

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