Chapter 3: Odd

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After the party and after everyone left I told aunt Marie that I was going home I was exhausted (just because every one of my my birthday parties aunt Marie takes forever to leave plus I just wanted to drive my camaro). I got in my new car and started driving, I was listening to Crazy Kids by Kesha an since it was a two hour ride to my house and it was almost midnight I was getting more exhausted. I looked down at the clock on the radio for just a second and when I looked up there was a guy standing in the middle of the road, his eye were glowing like a glow stick green... My car swerved an stopped right next to the guy, and when I looked at him he wasn't there....He vanished.

I was so confused, I got out of the car to make sure I didn't hit him... Nothing... It was just me, nobody else. "Laila your just seeing things because your tired, you just get in your car and go home" i said to myself. I looked around one more time and got back in my car and went home.

Aunt Marie's POV

"Hey aunt Marie I'm gonna go home exhausted" "ok Laila ill meet you at home"Laila nodded and got in her car and drove off. I waited inside the country club for a few minutes and heard footsteps.

"Your late"I said " you should've been here earlier considering you were at the party" I turned to look at them waiting for an answer "we're sorry aunt Marie but we had to leave so that Laila didn't become suspicious" they said simultaneously "that's alright girls.... Lauryn, Spencer,Bonita we have to keep a really close eye on Laila".

They sat down at the table I've been sitting at the last few minutes and looked at me with worried eyes "what are we going to do,she will most likely get her powers in the next few days..." Said Lauryn "and she won't be able to control them she will be too powerful..." Said Bonita "and with Cristia coming to find her she won't be safe" said spencer " I know, I know if only...." I looked down at my hands and I looked at the girls who seemed to be anxious for my answer "you girls are going to have to use your powers to protect Laila... As long as you don't show others your powers... Stay hidden... Understand?" I looked at them and pointed at each one to make sure they understood they all nodded and I said " let's just hope it takes Cristia awhile to find Laila"

Laila's POV

After that odd moment on Worechester Road I had finally arrived home. I walked up to my front door unlocked it and walked in and went to my room. I changed into a green tank top and green shorts and jumped into bed and two seconds later I passed out.


I walked into a dark room that was only illuminated by candles. The door I came through had closed shut behind me I tried to open it but it wouldn't "Hello Anybody There!! Help!!" No answer I turned around and saw a glowing light towards the end of the hall I followed it. Once I got to the end of the hall the light had disappeared "what where did it go?" I whispered to myself.

I heard footsteps going the down the hall I had just walked down "Hello Whose There?!" The footsteps sounded like they were running so I ran after them and when the sound of footsteps had disappeared I had ended up next to a door that had not been there before, I touched the door knob and it was burning hot "OW!" It had left strange markings on my hand and blood was running down my arm. I used the bottom of my shirt to open the door and walked in the room it was even darker than the hall, there were no candles to light up the room and again the door shut behind me this time not by itself "I've been waiting for you" I turned around to see a lady she had long black matted hair, and her eyes were completely white and she ha long fingernails. She walked up to me and touched my face I moved my face away cutting it against her nail "you are a spitting image of your mother" I looked at her "what do you know about my mother ?" She smiled slyly " I know a lot about both your parents...Especially since I was the last one to see them" "NO!" I yelled at her a tear went down my cheek "Yes! Laila I killed your parents!" I started to cry more "how do you know my name?" Her sly smile got bigger " I know a lot more than you my dear" she touched my face and wiped me tears away "NO! DON'T TOUCH ME!" Her sly smile had faded and she had started glowing red. She grabbed me by the neck and pushed me up against the wall "I WILL DO THE SAME THING TO YOU THAT I DID TO YOUR PARENTS!" She was still holding my neck and she was closing her hand making it harder to breathe, I started feeling lightheaded... I felt like I was dying....

I woke up coughing,trying to catch my breath. I rubbed my neck, it was hot..burning more like. I touched my face and looked at my hand to see that my face was still bleeding and my hand was throbbing with pain and it had the strange markings on it and it was still bleeding. What had just happened? Was I really there? Who was that lady? What's going on?

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