Chapter one: 12 months

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Happiness,  joy, and excitement are just some of the feelings that can be described when I talk about today.
I jump out of my warm comfortable bed and quickly ran into my closet to get my workout clothes with a smile so big on my face that it started to hurt.
I decided to wear my favorite running outfit which consisted of Nike leggings, shoes, and top. Going into the bathroom to change I could not help but smile, I can't believe that me and Jackson have been together for a year today. This past year has been on of the best relationships I could ask for, I don't know how I got so lucky.
I looked quickly in the mirror and realized that I was completely ruined! I had forgotten to take off my makeup from last night and it was not spread all over my face, I quickly washed my face and went upstairs to go out for a morning run.

"Mom! I'm going out for a run" I shouted out to her. I barely heard a response from her before I was out the door and plugging my ear buds into my phone and starting my running log.
I scrolled through my music and decided to put on my favorite playlists hat always got me an early morning rush. Morning runs were always my favorite even if I did not do them as often as I would like to


My run was about one and a half miles which was a little under for my normal run. I was still worn out as I walked inside shouting out to my mom "I'm back!"

"How was your run?" My mother asked walking out of the kitchen

"Good, I am going to go take a shower and get ready for the day" I said with a goofy smile I assumed since my mom looked at me and giggled.

"Ok, oh! I was wondering if you would want to go out on a shopping spree and get some nice things for your date with Jackson tonight" my mom asked

"Sure! That would be great, but first I need to take a shower and get ready" I said

"Ok, no rush" my mom said and I started running down the stairs, I couldn't help it, I was excited to go shopping with my mom which I have not done in forever. I walked into my room and picked out some warm black leggings, a sweatshirt and my white low top converse considering it was pretty cold out and then went into my bathroom, turned on the shower and got in. The warm water rushing down me felt good since I was freezing from my run.

I got out of the shower, got dressed into what I had already picked out and then I put on some mascara, eyeliner, and some eyeshadow. My hair still pretty wet by the time I was done with all of that so I decided on putting it in two loose braids so it would be out of my face, I would worry about the rest of it later.

I went upstairs to get some tea and tell my mom I was ready to go, I decided on a lemon tea. While the water was warming up in the electric kettle I went to go get my mom from her and my dads room.

I walked in on my mom doing her makeup dressed in some blue jeans and a nice shirt that suited her perfectly "Mom, I'm ready to go once my tea is ready" I said as I looked at her applying her eye liner.

She looked at me though the mirror and said "Ok sweetie, I should be done any minute then we can leave"

"Ok I will be waiting" I said walking away as I heard the kettle beeping stating that the water was at the right temperature, I poured my water into a travel mug and put the tea bag in for 5 minutes.

After that was done I went to go sit on the couch and look on my phone. I had gotten a text from Jackson saying good morning and happy anniversary, a couple Instagram likes and some Twitter feed.
I also went on snapchat to see what everyone had done so far this morning which honestly was not that much, not many of the people I knew were much of a early bird, but I understood that during winter break.

"Ready to go shopping for some fancy clothes?" my mom said as she walked out of her room into the living room where I was sitting on the couch on my phone sipping on my tea waiting for her which had not been to terribly long.

"Ok, let's go" I said hoping up from the couch, grabbing my purse and walking out the door with her. We got into the car that my dad did not take when he went to work and took my brother to a friends house.
This day could not get any better, I thought to myself as I got into the car and turned on my the radio station that played all the good music. One of my favorite songs had just came on which caused me to turn up the volume and sing along with it, even though I was not the best singer.
I realized that my mom could not help but laugh at me, which I didn't care about today because today was one of the best days. "Pretty excited about today huh?" My mom said still giggling

"Beyond excited" I said giggling also realizing how crazy I was acting. It's hard to help being crazy when it just comes naturally to you. Nothing I can do about it.

Now I just have to worry about what I am going to pick out for tonight.

As we pulled out of the drive way I was thinking of maybe a simple dress since I love wearing dresses on special days maybe something else not sure but then I saw something...

Authors notes:

First chapter! I am excited to see where this story goes

What do you thing she has seen??? Was it something terrible or something good? You will have to find out in the next chapter where that mystery will soon be uncovered.

How do you like the story so far? I know it is only the first chapter but still nice to see how the first chapter was. Any suggestions on what should be in the story? Please feel free to tell me I would love to hear your opinions

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