Good-Nemisis Summer Airoplane England

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There is a fairly high chance I will be meeting the wonderful, amazing, perfect, talented, lovely, great, amazing, adorable, perfect  Good-Nemisis in person in the summer. Like, we (her and me) will do everything in our power to get her here, to England, by the summer.
If you had asked me a year ago what I thought I'd be doing in a years time, I'd have said I'd be dead.
Then I met Sunshine.
She changed my life forever.
She repaired my last string. (If you've read paper towns you'll know what I'm talking about.) My strings where being worn down and I was on my last one.
Then this adorable little munchkin came and gave me a string that would never break.
I know that the summer is a fairly long way away, but it wasn't expected that we would meet for a few years yet, so this is actually massive.
And we're running purely on love and determination.
We may physically be 4,028 miles away, with a 6 hour time difference, but in spirit, we're...permanently welded together?
I don't know where that was ever going...but I don't think it was meant to be that way...
I'm severely brain fogged right now so I'll continue on this tomorrow.

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