The Colony

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The teenagers stayed silent, breathing in air so clean that their lungs burned with every inhalation and exhalation. The high fence wasn't a problem-they were used to much more crowded quarters in the StackCities. It was how clean everything was, even with the dirt and the animals whose pungent smell permeated their noses.

There were strange cows, with massive horns and barrel-like chests and tapering hips. Nothing like the cows in the Breeding Sheds back in the City. Those were small and sickly, like all the animals kept in the zoos, the ones who had been wild five or so centuries ago.

Like wolves. They were her favorites,  and all the old paintings and pictures and tales told of them as strong, formidable creatures with an immense loyalty to their pack and family. They were beautiful, and regal with sharp eyes, dark fur and powerful, lean bodies. Thier fangs could tear out a man's throat with one bite.

She liked panthers too.

The blonde boy reminded her of a guard dog. Not a wolf, but a guard dog, with friendly eyes to its owners and owner's friends. The kind of dog who didn't mind curling up and cuddling, but could also get down and dirty, fighting for his family's safety.

And he was cute too. Tall and broad-shouldered, with some ways left to grow. He cleared Issi's height by about five inches, and his blond har was in perfect, windswept order. His eyes were blue, slightly darker than the sky above her head, and he had an adorable grin, which was plastered on his face at that very moment.

The teens erupted into chatter, asking thier neighbors questions, flirting, talking, who knew.

Issi fidgeted as the man in charge tried to calm everyone down. Finaly, he gave up. "Calm yourselves!" he bellowed. The teenagers went still, their chatter ceased, and their eyes moved to the man as one.

He had the same sky-blue eyes as his son, only his were hardened by years of military experience. He was like a coyote, cunning eyes and of a slighter build than his son, though he made up for it with his booming voice.

More than made up for it. Issi's eyes were fixated fearfully on him, as were the eyes of the other new Pilgrims. The older arrivals had already cleared off, gone to do whatever they were supposed to do.

"I am General Seaver. I am the law here, and you will follow every rule I tell you to follow, whether you like it or not." This agitated some of the teens, but not one peep issued from their mouths. Issi memorized each one's face, hoping she would be able to put a name to them later.

"Issabella D'Avignon! Pay attention!" General Seaver snarled. Issi's face went red.

"My apologies, General. I was trying to-"

"Memorize everyone?" Issi nodded mutely. "I know you were acceted for your excellent memory, but please, Ms. D'Avignon. There are times for certain things, and now is not the time for anything but listening.

"Yes, General." Issi apologized, her pale cheeks still tinted with pink and her ears still on fire. The pretty-boy smiled at her, only deepening her blush.

"Anyways," the General continued. And then he went on to list the rules. Issi tuned him out, her eyes locked on the blue orbs of the General's son. And he was smiling back at her, wit that warm smile she knew and liked already. "Dismissed." She started. Issi hadn't heard a thing the General had said.

She worried her bottom lip with her teeth. "I hope there's a handbook," she muttered as the crowd of teens swept her away. She went along with them, along the paths made of flat stones, not one the same size or shape as the others.

And yet they all fit together perfectly. The street was lined with houses, made of reusable synthetics that would keep the houses cool in summer and warm in winter. They were about fifteen feet tall, and long. Each was large enough to house four or five. A family. The houses could be extended, should the extension be needed. The nanoreplicators could enlarge the houses easily, building additions like spiders building a web.

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