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Brian's pov

I drove past a car. And their sirens went off. I pulled over and turned my truck off.

Show me your hands. Very good now open the door.

Put your hands on your head. Behind your head.

Face the front of the vehicle, walk backwards towards the rear.

Take two steps to your right. Stop right there.

What'd I do?

Shut up.

He's clean, Sarge. I was put in and cuffs and put in the back of the car. And they drove to a beach house.

Damn! Muse, will you take these things off?

Shit. You put 'em on so tight.

I like realism.

You like realism.

You never know who's watching, Brian.

Wow. Nice crib, Sergeant.

It's a lot nicer than the last place you confiscated.

Ain't it?

You know, Eddie fisher built this house for Elizabeth Taylor in the 50's.

You see, even the cops are Hollywood in Hollywood.

Author's pov

Okay, here he is, fresh from Toretto ' hot rod heaven. The Sergeant said

That was and $ 80,000 vehicle, officer. The guy said to Brian.

Wait a minute. You tell him what happened? Brian asked the Sergeant.

He knows what happened. The Sergeant said to Brian.

Hey, you know what why don't you send the bill to Johnny Tran. Brain said to him.

Brian. The Sergeant warned.

The kid's Givin me attitude? That doesn't speak very well for police- F.B.I. relations, Tanner.

Dom's pov

Spilner pulled up in a truck with car on the back. And April and I were talking with Mia with the paper.

All right, what the hell is this? What do you got there? April asked Spilner.

It's your car. Spilner said with a smile.

My car? I said a ten-second car not a ten minute car. April said to brain with smirk.

You could push this across the finish line, or tow it. Jesse said while hitting it.

Couldn't even tow that across the finish line. I said with a laugh. And letty laughed with me.

No faith. Brian said to me and April.

Oh, I have faith in you, but this isn't a junkyard it's a garage. April said to him and I laughed.

Hey, pop the hood. Brian said pointed at Jesse.

Pop the hood? Me and April said at the same time.

Pop the hood. Brian said to us. We got the car off the truck and got I n the garage. Jesse pope the hood.

Two J.Z. engine. No shit. Jesse said too us.

And what did I tell you? Brian said to April and I.

We retract our previous statement. April and I said at the same time.

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