getting a team together

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Dom's pov

They're going going to be looking for the four of us together now. We need to split up. You and Mia head south and Dom and I will lead them away. April said to us.

No. Mia said to April.

April is right. Look how lucky we just got. What happens next time? We have no choice but to split up. Brian said to my sister Mia.

I'm pregnant. I already lost my family once. I'm not going through that again. Mia said to us three.

Are you kidding me? Brian asked mia. I just stood with April.

No. Mia said to him. They kissed and I walked over to them and hugged them.

I'm not going anywhere. Okay? Brian said to Mia and I agreed with him and hugged my little sister.

April? Promise me we stick together. Mia said to April. And she walked over and smiled.

I promise. Our family just got bigger. She said to us and we hugged. We went to and abandoned house and mia slept.

Brian's pov

Hey, April and Dom what do you remember about you father? I asked them and took a sip of my beer.

Every Sunday we would have a cook out after church. You didn't go to church you didn't get barbecue. Every day he would be in the shop and every night he would sit at the dinner table helping Mia and Dom with their homework even after they went to sleep he would stay up to go over the next chapter. April said to me and smiled at Dom.

See I don't even remember my dad. I don't remember him yelling, I don't even remember what he looks like. He was just never there. I said to them

Your not going to be like that Brian. Dom said to me.

We can't keep running April. We got to get out now. I said to her.

You're right. Here's how we're going to do it. April said holding up the chip.

We're going to use this. We're going to do one last job. We're going to take all of Reyes' money. Every dime of it and disappear. Forever. said to Dom and I.

New passports. New lives with no more looking over our shoulder. And we're just going to buy our freedom. I said to her.

That's right. She said to us

You realize we're talking about going up against the most powerful guy in all of Rio? I asked her and Dom

Yes, we are. They said at the same time.

Than we're going to need a team. I said to them and they both nodded.

-----picking the team.--------

Author's pov

Let's run through the bases real quick. Who do we need.

First we're going to need a chameleon. Some one who can blend in anywhere. Dom said.

What else? Mia asked

A fast talker. Someone who can bullshit their way out of anything. April said to them.

I got that. Brian said.

This guy's is going to have a lot of surveillance. We're going to need someone who's good with circuits. Mia said

And with those circuits Reyes is going to have walls. We're going to need guys to punch through those walls. Dom said

What else? Mia asked again

Utilities and weapons. Someone who ain't afraid to throw down. Someone to back up every position. April said to them

Yeah what else do we need? Brian asked this time.

Most importantly 2 precision drivers. Guys that don't crack under pressure. Guys who never lose. April said with a smirk.

You know we got that. Brian said to her with a smirk. Soon everyone showed up.

Group pov

Tej: oh hell nah I see they scraped the bottom of the barrel. Huh?

Roman: I guess they did cause your ass is here. When you going to give Martin Luther King his car back?

Tej: as soon as you give Rick James his jacket back.

Someone arrives on a crotch rocket.

Roman: sexy legs, baby girl. What time do they open.

Gisele: same time I put this trigger. Want me to open them?

(A/n I don't remember what Rico and Tego said but I'll come up with something.)

Rico and Tego: told you she had lady balls.

April's pov.

Yo, check this is out. This is Tej. Best circuit man on the east coast. Brian said to me

And this is my boy, Roman Pearce. We go way back, I met this guy in juvi. I pulled that job with him in Miami. He said to me.

I've heard about you. I said to Roman.

Nice digs. Han said to me.

Yea, well the Ritz was sold out. I said with a smirk.

So what's this all about April? Han asked me.

Yeah, girl, why did you drag us halfway around the world? Tej asked me

Because we got a job. My brother spoke up. Wow haven't heard him speak till now I thought to my self.

---street race---

You guys mock up a track. O'Conner, let's go gets some rides. I said with a smirk.

Nice. He said with a smile.We got in my car and drove there.

Home sweet home. I said with a smile. He just smirked.

Or that. How bout that? all motor, no tuning issues. I always wanted one of those. Brain said looking at the blue car.

You got a lot of lady balls to bring your problems here, Toretto. Not to mention a cop. The guy said to me.

Yeah, we can keep that on the low. Brain said to him. I smirked.

Word on the street is a lot of people are looking for you two. What? You didn't think we'd recognize you? He said to us.

No, we're kinda counting on it. I said with a smirk

----skip to metting hobbs.-------

Hobb's pov

Hey, Toretto. You're under arrest.

Arrest? I don't feel like I'm under arrest. How bout you Brian? April Toretto says and and asked O'Conner.

No, not a bit. Not even a little bit. He said to her.

Just give it a minute it'll sink in.

We didn't kill those feds. That was Reyes. O'Conner said to me.

I don't give a shit. I'm just here to bring in two ass holes whose names hit my desk.

Yeah, that sounds like a real hero. O'Conner said to me.

That's funny. From a guy who took the oath of a cop, then went against everything it stood for. Or some wannabe tough girl prick. Who beat a man half to death with a socket wrench. Real tough. Now turn around and put your hands behind your back.

I don't think so. She said to me.

Your mistake is thinking you got a goddamn choice, women.

And you mistake? Thinking your in America. You're a long way from home. This is Brazil. April said and everyone took out a gun. My men and I fall back and went back to the truck.

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