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I groaned as I rubbed my temples, trying to remember what happened the other night. Wait, where am I? I stared quizzically at the unfamiliar surroundings. I felt the warm breath of someone next to me. Oh crap. I flung my legs off the bed quickly. I realized I wasn't wearing anything. There were clothes strewn on the beige carpet. Crap crap. I put on my clothes hurriedly. I took one last glance at the guy laying on the bed. He had tan skin and a long nose with brunette hair on his forehead. Hmmm, not bad
THEN AGAIN. Why was i in some random dude's bedroom?
Damn it, Liz. I pulled out my phone from my pocket and checked my history.
Hey, anna! Wanna go to this bar by my place? If so, meet me outside my place in 10.
Ttyl, Liz
Underage drinking is never the answer. Well, me and Liz weren't drinking, we just go to bars to hookup with guys. Well, I go to bars to hookup with guys, Liz goes to bar to get a BOYFRIEND.
If there's anything that you should know about Elizabeth Snowski is that she's a crazed romantic, always determined to find, "the one".
She's also mortified of her gun wielding polish relatives. I should know, that's the whole reason she's one of those people that stand outside of expensive building ranting about random things until they get hypothermia.
But of course I don't tell Liz this.
Back to me.
My mum doesn't know that I sleep around, she's pretty ignorant actually. But yes, usually I have to stretch the truth and tell her I'm at a friend's house, or working on homework.
By now I'm used to it. I usually wake up in some guys bedroom 2 to 3 times a week.
I tip toed down the stairs and slid out the door quietly. It was six in the morning and my mum was gonna kill me.
Yes, I seem like a complete slut at first. But when you get to know me, I'm an intelligent slut. I can't say people haven't called me a slut or any other nasty remarks behind my back, or even to my face.
I know, that's rude. But, I ignore them.
I mean, I AM a slut. I'm not ashamed.
I snickered under my breath,
I can practically feel Liz smacking me upside the head.

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