are you serious

18 0 0

chapter 5

hey hey peoples so yeah i know i never waited for the 3 reads but i wonted to carry on so hear ya go! 

quick check back;

did she just say shes a wearworlf? 

ha there it is trolollllolololo

"your a what" whisper shouted to her, she put on a fake large smile and made a wierd noise "uh-maybe-i mean-uh yes" she said said in a quiet voice i just stood there in complete shock, i mean i knew they ran in peoples family around the neighboorhood and stuff but i didnt think my own friend would be one and didnt tell me. "you never said anything" i said with a matter-of fact town and she sighed and slouched down onto the bed "i wasnt really in mexico, well i wasnt hear. well what i mean it-uh" she ran a fustrated hand through her hair "spit it out sexy" i said she laughed "well i was actualy going through the change and i n" i cut her off "what change, you mean you werent born like this" i squinted my eyes, she laughed loudly "im a half wearworlf, im not born like it. all half worlfs go through the change when they turn 18, iether on there birthday or the day after-she paused-you have 1month" she said i sighed and smiled and then looked at her and laughed again "haha you-hahah-what-hahahha" she turned her face into a serious oe and i stopped laughing "wait your serious, im a wearworlf" i asked really really shocked, "how come my mom never told me then" i said not wonting to bieleve i was one, her smile came back "well since your mom isnt one it isnt her job to tell you" i looked at her puzzled motioning for her to go on "well you see wearworlfs have to hear they are ones from there decendants, so that means- yes that means he is supossed to tell you! but since 'he' isnt around your mum asked me to put it to you" i gasped and smiled as i began to like the thought of being a wearworlf, i then burst into the biggest smile ever "wait so ima be a worlf then, -she noded- AWSOMEEEEE" i shouted she laughed "well theres a lot to learn though chica!" my smile grew.."ooooooo tell me tell me tell me nowwww" she giggles and began explaining everything "so when your mind first starts to split into two you begin to sow both sides of you in human form, like when you-um-you know-hahahaha-raped me-haha" i blushed and looked down "sorry about that" she smiled. "so yeah that was your worlf craving your mate and h-" i cut her of, "what do you mean..mate" she just looked at me "well for every female wolf theres 2 different mates" "what do you mean two" i said wonting to know more "well your soul mate, you will know yor mate as soon as you lay eyes on them, they make you feel complete and hole as if your the only two people in the world, he will complete your mating sequel and you will have no choice but to be with eachother or pain will overcome you! then theres your blood mate, he is the mate that gived you power when you need it most, he is the one your craving know i supose a way to look at it is that your blood mate is sort of a sex toy in a way! ha and he will revive you as you do to him. there is no mental bond between the two of you its just physical" i smiled "so when im a worlf i get a sex toy for life use" an evil grin growing on my face at the thought of what i would do to them "ha yes" my smile faded and it turned into a serious one "so um have you-uh-you know-um found your blood mate yet *cough cough* -uh" she smiled "yeah i have actualy and um there amazing" she looked down and blushed a little "oh" i said a feeling of sadness creeping over me, she lifted my chin and kissed me, again! "i think it might be you, chica" i looked down then back oup and inot her eyes, "WHAT!!!" i sreamed at the top of my lungs she just burste into fits of laughter "yeah chica, i think its you" "oh haha you had me scared you know for a second there, so blood mates are girls on girls then?" she smiled "yeah because if blood mates were girls to boys then the boy would consider the girl his mate" "oh ha so were lesbian wolfs then" her smile grew "uh well i am, and your just a lesbian love!" i held my heart pretending to be efended..."oh, i see" i began to fake cry "hey, hey i am sorry i didnt mean t-" "hahahah gotcha" i yelled as i ran past her down the stairs!

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