Chapter Nineteen

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Samantha's POV

It's been about a month since the incident happened. After that, I toured with them and I felt as if Jack felt safer that way. We were happy, everything went back to how it was and it couldn't be better. The fans were more supportive of Jack and they were supportive of him and I being together. I was utterly happy with everything.

When the tour was over, we went all went back home. When the Jacks and I got back home, we hugged each other so tight. "I love you both so much. Thank you for always being here through all of our difficulties in life, and always being so supportive of each other," I said to them.
"Thank you Sam, for always being here, and being so supportive of me and Jack. Thank you for never leaving our sides and thank you for loving us unconditionally," Gilinsky said. I hugged him.
"I love you so much, G. And I love you Jack," I said as I turned to Johnson. I hugged him tightly. 
"I love you Sam, so much," he said back to me. I felt so much happier and safe, as if a weight was lifted off my shoulders. Everything is now okay. I smiled.

I woke up, shaking and breathing heavily. I was still on my plane. Oh my God, it was all a dream. I started crying as I thought about it all. The flight attendant walked by. I stopped her. "Hey, excuse me. What flight is this?" I asked, crying softly. She looked at me with confusion.
"This is flight 673, Omaha, Nebraska to Los Angeles, California. Are you okay miss?"
Oh my god. "How soon will we be landing?"
"In about 30 minutes, would you like some water?" I nodded.
"That's all, thank you," I said to her and closed my eyes, trying to calm myself down. My legs were shaking. I just can't believe this.

The plane landed and I walked out to grab my luggage. I was still a little shaky. Act normal Samantha, pretend this never happened. It was just a dream, let it go. I took a deep breath and walked out to look for Jack and Jack, since they were picking me up.

I ran up to Jack and Jack, giving them both a big hug. "Hey, I missed you guys," I told them, smiling from cheek to cheek.

"Hey Sam," Johnson said to me, smiling and hugging me.

"Sup bubble-butt," Gilinsky said to me with a smirk on his face which then turned into a small laugh and pulled me into a hug.

"Sup loser," I said, rolling my eyes at him but laughing a little. Gilinsky always called me that and he did it to tease me. Johnson usually just giggled or went along with it. I had just arrived from Omaha, Nebraska to LA and they had come to pick me up.

"You ready?" Johnson asked, helping me with my bags.

"Yup," I told him. "Lets go."

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