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The click of a camera echoed throughout the sunny atmosphere. There was a young raven crouched down on the tall grass, taking astonishing photographs of Earth's nature. A forest resided at the end of the short, skinny dark oak fence in his backyard. That forest is where he would be found taking the best out of the best photos.

"I should really cut this annoying grass," he murmured to himself. Sighing, he took the photo from his old fashioned camera and took a quick glance at it. It was worthless yet again.

Standing up, he slid the photo into his back Jean pocket and looked up to the sky. A moderate amount of dark clouds made their new homes in the sky, kicking all the others out.

'One last photograph,' Sasuke thought to himself. "On a second thought, maybe not," he said out loud, light rain drops fell from the crying angels above.

Eagerly, Sasuke walked into the fenced in backyard, and jogged over to the small patio that connected to the back of the house. He didn't want to get his new and fresh clothing wet, or at least damp.

He wore a plain light blue t-shirt and some khakis. Miss Sakura had told him to go buy some new clothing to make him feel better. I mean, buying some things for yourself makes you feel a bit more happy or joyful.

The meetings with Sakura have been going splendid for the boy. He's never felt so good like this since before the incident occurred. Yes he was still depressed, but at least he could find some joy in this dreadful, baseless society.

He'd been enjoying them and couldn't wait for the next time they'd meet. Anything that would keep him from ghastly memories that'd haunt him. The first meeting wasn't the greatest, but it was okay. It was cut short when she unexpectedly got an emergency phone call. She worked at a small hospital nearby, and got called in to help with a patient that came in on a stretcher.

So Sasuke went home after that. The next day, Sakura called him and they planned an appropriate meeting date and time.

A couple days later, Sasuke went in for the appointment and they got to know each other better. Sakura asked him some questions, and he willingly answered.

Every time he went in, she's asked him the two questions. How are you feeling and is there anything I can do to help. He'd answered usually the same; okay and I do not know.

Sakura and Sasuke both came to a conclusion to where Sasuke would go home and snap some pictures of anything and bring them in the next session. Sasuke would describe a situation of the picture and the mood it brings. Don't a bad idea, huh?

It shot Sasuke like an arrow in the head when he remembered he had to meet with Dr. Sakura Haruno. Minutes passed and it was now pouring. He would have to walk. He wouldn't risk his bike getting rusted.

The young raven grabbed his umbrella and keys, then the peacock coat he recently bought, and stepped outside into the world full of surprises.

He opened the umbrella and stepped down onto the painted white wood. He turned his head to the sky, it was a  deep blue, a few shimmering stars could be seen. It was almost a complete  nightfall. Sasuke continued to walk down the small sidewalk and across the street.

Halfway there, he was looking down at the way leaves stuck to the black and sides of the current shoes he was wearing. All of a sudden he bumped into a person again. Sasuke looked up and saw the mad blonde he bumped into before a long time ago.

"Nice seeing you again," he blonde boy commented, his eyebrows furrowed.

"S-sorry, uh, sir.." Sasuke apologized. "Again." And Sasuke brushed passed the man with the slightest think of pink on his pale cheeks.

"Nice seeing you again, Sasuke." Sakura greater Sasuke as he opened the polished wooden door and closed it behind him.

The young raven sat down in the black chair that resided infront of Sakura's desk. "Same for you."

Sakura smiled, "got any new pictures?" She said taking out her notebook with past and shortly there will be present notes.

Sasuke spoke no words and instead took out a envelope from inside his coat that he placed on his way here. He put the envelope on the desk and slid it towards her.

The women's aquamarine eyes traveled down to the envelope and back to Sasuke's face. She took the pieces of folder paper into her bony pale fingers and carefully opened it up, careful not to ruin it. She then stuck her hand inside, and grabbed the photos from inside. Carefully so she wouldn't ruin them or her finger prints on them.

She frowned, "Sasuke, you're taking pictures of mostly the same things. Why not try snapping pictures in a place either than the forest behind your house?"

"Hn," Sasuke murmured as he rested his head on his clamped hands.

Sakura sighed, "how 'bout when the rain clears up, you and me will go to the park nearby and take some pictures?"

Sasuke nodded his head yes, "good!" Sakura shouted cheerfully.

"Now, let's look over the photos you've took," she said, a more serious look on her features.

A coupe of minutes passed and Sasuke described how the look of the photo made him feel. He felt a bit sad because the butterfly in the photo was alone.

Just like him.



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Have a beautiful today you amazing, beautiful person. Pay it forward.

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