Task 6 Entries

120 8 21

As per usual, the entries will be posted in the order I received them. If you sent me your entry and it isn't here, just let me know and I'll correct that mistake :) scores will be posted tomorrow, along with the death tolls and Chopping Block. Stay tuned everyone :P

Michael Beaumont's POV
​The desert looms around us for miles as we stumble through it. We've been trapped here for... I don't even know how long. I look around again looking for any signs of life but again I only see one. Taraleigh Bryte, my only ally in these games is somehow still with me, and at this point as much as I hate admit it, she may be stronger than me. The hours upon hours of exposure to the sun have rendered me basically useless, I can barely walk, my throat feels incredibly dry, and my skin burns, the pain seems like nothing I've ever felt before. And that's saying something.

​Of course Taraleigh isn't much better off, she hasn't eaten in I don't even know how long. Her naturally lanky frame is even skinnier than before The barren wasteland that we've called home since the beginning of the games hasn't exactly been hospitable. Occasionally we find a small rodent, which I drain of blood as quickly as I can after which Taraleigh eats, raw. There is no time to stop, we have to get out of here or we both risk dying. We reach the top of a small sand hill and again I look out across the desert, nothing... not a thing except for the sand. Stretching for miles as far as the eye can see. Suddenly weakness comes over me, my legs buckle and I fall, over exposure to the sun has finally taken me. I didn't really expect to win the games, but I had hoped to at least go down fighting.

​Suddenly, laying there with the sun shining directly in my eyes, I realized just how shitty my life has been. All alone... all the time... watching any friends die over and over again until I couldn't take it anymore and decided that I'd rather not have friends, than watch them all die again. My vision is suddenly filled with something other than the sun. Taraleigh, she looks desperate, I don't know why she hates me after all. The only reason we're together is because of necessity, whatever I'll be dead in a second and we won't have to worry about each other. Just as my eyes close and I embrace death I see a blue beam shoot down from the sky, the hovercraft is here. Looks like the game makers couldn't even let me completely die before collecting the body. Whatever, it's not like I have any family at home waiting for it.

​When I wake up the pain and burning of the heavy desert sun is gone, instead it's replaced by dampness, and cool shade water runs all around me. I guess I hadn't really thought a whole lot about the afterlife until I actually died, after all being near immortal I assumed I'd be alive well... forever. But now after dying I realize that the afterlife is... moist. Yeah, that's the word I'd use for it. Suddenly my mind is torn away from the greater things in life... or the afterlife I guess, by words all around me.

"When the hell is he gonna wake up?" I hear someone whisper, I don't recognize this voice, it's male though.

"He's a vampire that was overexposed to the sun, we're lucky he's alive." Says another voice, Taraleigh, I guess she died too.

Wait she said I'm alive... the poor thing she must be in denial.

"He should be dead" says the other voice, "It'd be better for us if he had died you know."

I guess he, whoever it is, is in denial too, if I'm dead then he's dead, and he's also an asshole.

I wake up, no use in lying there pretending to be dead, I actually am.

Both of the speakers jump back as I stand, I feel stronger than I did in the desert, the fact that heaven is shady is probably the reason for that.
I look around, I'm surrounded by tall trees covered in vines and underneath me runs a stream of fresh water. I look at the other people in my presence, one of them is Taraleigh, obviously, the other is a werewolf, Cyrus Brazen if I remember correctly, his long hair is tied back and out of his eyes and he looks at me confused. Great I'm stuck in heaven with a werewolf.

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