An American Hero Part One

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No one knows how old Alfred was when he was found, but on May 14, 1607, Arthur Kirkland, the embodiment of the United Kingdom, decided to be the legal guardian of Alfred, but he wasn't the only one to try and do so. In fact, many countries wanted Alfred, and some even became tough opponents who fought with Arthur, France being the most lethal until Alfred chose to stay by Arthur's side. The British lad dedicated a good portion of his life in the raising of Alfred, but eventually our little American had to grow up.

When Alfred was estimated to be seventeen in human years, he urged Arthur, a moody one at that, to allow him to be free and that he was tired of the way Arthur was treating him. Arthur was angered at the rebellious attitude of his America, and shuttered at the thought of Alfred not needing him. But eventually, Alfred did become his own own country, calling himself the United States of America.

* * *

One poor evening in Virginia, a twenty-year old Alfred needed a ride, but no one was willing to stop for the soaking wet American who meant no harm. Alfred was bored from holding out his hand and his stomach had the rumblees for a greasy classic: a cheeseburger, fries, and a shake.

Finally, after dawn was approaching, a silver vehicle stopped alongside Alfred, and to his amazement, the driver was not human. 

"Dude! You're an alien!" Alfred shouted.

The taboo creature nodded while gesturing for an awed Alfred to get in. 

"Dude! Can I, like, call you Tony!?" Tony nodded again, smiling at Alfred.

"I've always thought you guys were real, but Arthur, he's my brother, told me you dudes don't exist, which confuses me because he believes in stuff like unicorns, witchcraft, and fairy princesses."

Tony chuckled, "Well aren't I proof that I exist? I'm older, more wiser, than your non-believing friend."

 He pulled into a vaguely recognizable drive.

"Why does this place look familiar?" Asked Alfred, a curious look on his otherwise handsome face.

"It's because you were thought to be born here, America."

"Dude! How did you know my nickname? Only Arthur calls me that!"

"Ah, England, Britain, but you call him Arthur. He is best known as the United Kingdom. Oh how much brothers have in common, United States of America." Tony laughed at his joke, " I know many things, America. Like how you will go to Paris and save England from France, The Seducer, who holds him now."

As most expected him to do, Alfred couldn't hold back the questions he was dying to ask. Most of them concerning this Call to Adventure

"Settle down, America. You will travel to Paris to help England, but first you must shut up long enough for me to help you."

"How can you help me?" Questioned Alfred quizzically.

"No more interrupting me. France is an exquisitely admirable man. Even though his looks are flawless, you must remember he is also a dangerous opponent, for he holds the power of kawaii and has a vast army of fan girls he can readily dispatch."

When Tony finished, he worried Alfred might not be up for the challenge, but that went down the drain once Alfred jumped to his feet and shouted, "Dude! I'm your hero!"

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