An American Hero Part Two

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"Before you go, America, there is one more thing I must do to help you." Alfred took his hand off the doorknob and peered over at Tony. The alien handed him a paper bag, which was full of men's beauty products. "How is this supposed to help me?"

"Full of questions still, America? The mirror you see once belonged to Joan of Arc, a heroine of France​ during the Hundred Years' War. Do not look, for those with British descent will turn to ashes, but if someone of France gazed upon it, they will be unable to tear away from it." Alfred nodded in understanding and, being careful not to look, covered the mirror with his suit jacket.

"Be back soon, Tony Dude!"

"When we meet again...Dude."

* * *

Emotions related to cowardice and heroism fought to control Alfred while he sat in first class. First class was a rare treat, having lived through the Great Depression. Besides, he was fighting a war and a little disagreement with one of his most trusted allies, France, wasn't going to help him any. Alfred wanted nothing more than to fly over Hiroshima in a Boeing B-29 Superfortress and release the atomic bombs, but alas, Britain needed his help.

The speakers announced the plane's arrival in several languages, all of which Alfred knew. He couldn't help but listen to the one in English as well, "Please fasten your seat belt, the plane will be landing shortly. Welcome to France." With the adrenaline rush from the plane gone, Alfred sluggishly walked to the public restrooms.

He locked the door and preceded to unpack the bag Tony gave him. He used the comb inside to meticulously get each and every knot out of his bed hair. "No wonder people confuse Matthew and me. We look just alike save his curl and my cowlick," Alfred thought while remembering the shy Canadian.

Alfred tried to tame his cowlick, but it refused to be conquered. "You're a rebel just like me, Dude. Only I called myself patriotic." He looked into the mirror again, but this time focusing on his overall appearance. "Dude! I look amazing!"

Hailing a taxi during rush hour is one of the most difficult things, but Alfred managed to do it somehow. When the Eiffel Tower came in to view, Alfred thought several things, "Francis may have that old hunk of metal, but I'm the one with Florida!" This brought up a round of cheesy, mostly vulgar pickup lines Alfred thought he could use on an unsuspecting female. Having to climb up several hundred stairs sobered him up. Alfred ran all the way, never slowing thanks to his strength and endurance.

"Oh, lookey 'ere! Go away, America, or I'll use my kawaii powers on...on...What country are you, Arthur?"

"I'M THE UNITED BLOODY KINGDOM!" Arthur shouted, he must've been drinking for what he said came out in a northern accented slur, Alfred was all too familiar with.

"You didn't have to shout, Britain! Ohonhonhon, America, why have you not said anything?" Alfred just stared dumb at Francis, trying to get over the sudden burst of seductive pheromones. "Let him go, Dude, or so help me I wil-"

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