2. Living with Music (Acrostic Poem)

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Living with Music / Music Lover

(Acrostic Poem)

By: JhovLovesYou

FYI: Acrostic Poem is a poem wherein letters in each line spelled out a word or phrases. Usually, the letters used  for spelling out a word or phrases are at the beginning of each line (like what I've posted) but it can be found anywhere as well. ^^

M-an, how can you be like a full-charged battery?

u-ndulled, a loudspeaker that's full of energy

s-inging with it like I'm in other dimension

i-t feels like I am out of exasperation

c-ommon denominator of usual loner.

L-iving without it is like a gray-colored world

o-nce it played and hit me, around my head it swirled

v-ague in comprehending its lyrics, but not all

e-mbed this to mind and heart, its message would call

r-ender me pleasure, that's why I'm music lover.

Posted: November 4, 2015

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