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Balzs pov

I hope I didn't freak Ghost out. I'm not the best at subtlety. I mean he's pretty hot as a girl and he's pretty hot as a guy. Who knows what could happen between us.

I got up and left Ghost to talk to Chris for a minute and I walked down the stairs to put my shoes on. Soon after I sat down, Chris gingerly sat next to me.

"So who are we going to see today" Chris said, looking at me expectingly
"Oh um my friend Ricky. He cool too. He's gay and he'll be fine with Ghost and stuff...I won't tell him though unless Ghost and you are comfortable though!" I'm so awkward. Fuck my life.
"Oh that's good. Yeah I want to meet him first. Ghost is pansexual and I'm gay" Chris said, shifting in his seat.

Ghost and Ryan came running down the stairs. Ryan was wearing a Rise Records sweatshirt and Ghost was in an Alternative Press sweatshirt. Even though it was still summer it was hella cold outside. That's Scranton for you.

"Okay guys. Ricky doesn't know we're coming but I have one of his house keys. I woke him up around 8 this morning so I know he's awake. He's probably showering or something so don't be surprised if we walk in and his dicks out" I said turning around and starting towards the door
"Oh yeah and his mom's not home"
With that I turned around and walked out of the front door.

Ryan was the last one out of the house, locking it on his way out. All of us paraded through the woods, creating a mini black parade. I'm pretty sure we scared the neighbors. I mean 4 guys parading though the woods in all black.

We made it out of the woods, and stood at Ricky's front door. All missions ago. Officer peppercorn will engage the suspect, then everyone attack. I quietly unlocked the door. Ricky wasn't insight. I could hear the water running though.

"yo you guys can come in. Ricks in the shower." I said, almost turning around into the door. I have no spacial awareness. Phase 1 is in motion. I brought the guys up to Ricky's room. Which was a mistake. Who knew what he had hiding under the piles of shit on the floor. Jesus Christ, this place would be condemmed. "kay so you guys all need to be quiet." I said pointing to the 3 guys all laying on Ricky's bed. "HEY RICK. IMMMMM HEEERRREEE" I yelled. "OKAY WELL IM IN THE SHOWER. I'LL BE OUT IN A MINUTE THOUGH." Rick screamed back. I heard the water shut off and I could hear him ringing out his hair. Next thing I knew, Rick was walking through the door way, rubbing his entire head with a towel, only wearing his boxers. He pulled the towel off his head as soon as he heard all the boys laughing. He threw the towel around his entire body and ran out of the room, back into the bathroom.

"How could you Balz. You call me at 8 am. You bring 3 whores to my house. Whats next setting me on fire?" He yelled over the bathroom fan. All the boys were laughing their asses off and Chris's face was really red. He was squirming around in his place, trying to cross his legs. Oh Chris better get used to this. Ricky re-entered the room in black skinny jeans and a towel still over his shoulders. He pulled open his closet and grabbed one of man black shirts that were randomly tossed in there.

"okay well you've all seen me more than half naked, I think I should at least know your names." Rick giggled, pulling the T-shirt over his read, throwing his hair into a bun. "Well you know I'm Ryan." ryan stated, rolling his eyes. "I'm Devin, you can call me Ghost though." said Ghost, with the straightest face ever. The only one left was Chris. Ricky picked up his snake bite studs and started to screw them in. "And the hot one" Ricky said with no hesitation. Chris's tomato face was turning the color of a rose. He sat up pulling a blanket over his crotch and folding his hands on his lap. "uh I'm...Chris" He paused like he forgot his own name. Oh this will be great. The emo flirt that dates no one. The shy emo that gets used by everyone.

Shit. You can see Ricky's scars. I picked up a sweatshirt that was on the bed and threw it at him. I nodded at his arms and I think he got the hint. He quickly threw it on, getting it stuck on his man bun. I quickly glanced at the guys and Ryan and Ghost were laughing. Chris looked pretty serious though.

"Hey I'm going to go make brownies. Chris come help me." I half screamed. Inturupting the others small talk.
"Okay" he said, seeming uncomfortable still.
"Uh I think there's brownie mix where the pancake mix is." Ricky said, still fumbling with his piercing.

I jogged down the stairs, reaching the kitchen before Chris, despite his giraffe legs. "So why did you want me to help you" he mumbled, half under his breath
"Well first off, I can't bake for shit. And you seemed uncomfortable. Why?" I said giving him the 'I'm your mother. Tell me what happened' look.
"Uh well. I don't know." He said, almost too quiet for me to hear.
"Dude you can talk to me. Do you think Ricky's hot? What's the problem?" I said, trying not to sound like I was prying for answers.
He looked like I was trying to rip his piercings out of his face.
"I don't know. I guess. I don't know him and then he just appears shirtless and his arms" dammit. He noticed.
"Okay well first off...go for it. You two would be the cutest couple ever. I know you're just his type. And second...if you're going to talk to him about it, don't build suspense. He'll have a panic attack and die." I said reaching for the pancake mix. It was just after 9 at this point and I wanted pancakes instead of brownies.
"First off...He would never like me. I barely know him. Second...I'll talk to him about it later." He responded casually.
"Okay well while we make pancakes tell me about your self"
After learning every fun-fact about Chris I would never need to know, I stacked the dozens of pancakes we made. I grabbed 5 plates and took the whole plate of pancakes into the dinning room. I then proceeded to yell "PANCAKES BITCHES GET DOWN HERE"

thanks for reading. I promise this will get better. So long and goodnight. Mama destroya signing off

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