Cuddles ^_^

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Michael: cuddles with Michael happened a lot like over 500 times day ( you guys really liked to cuddle ) Your favourite time to cuddle it's when watching TV while he put his arm around your waist keeping you close to him and you just loved to relax and have cuddles with you loving boyfriend Michael Gordon Clifford and you guys would normally cuddle one another until one of you got tired and went to sleep.

Luke: cuddles with Luke mainly happened in the morning after you woke up.You guys would just have a lazy day and cuddle and take in each others warmth while you guys just laid there with the bed sheets all over the place but if you were honest you didn't need the covers as long as you had each others warmth and company while kissing your forehead time to time

Calum: Just like Michael, Calum and you would cuddle anytime of the day sometimes even the whole day and while you cuddled he would kiss you forehead and whisper sweet things in your ear about how lucky he was to have you or have perfect you were to him.When you were with Calum you felt so happy it was unreal since you guys just loved to be around each other anytime you where with each other is when you guys where may happy.

Ashton: cuddles with ash mostly happened at night and you would just lay in each others arms with his arm draped around you shoulder keeping you as close as possible while you head laid on his chest and his hand stroking you soft hair while sharing kisses until you guys fell asleep while you smiled to yourself because you realised how lucky you were to have him in your life

A/N: Hey guys hope you liked today's preferences comment which one was your favourite and I hope you enjoy reading them. Also follow @khadi_xo she's my best friend and makes really good story's ^_^ bye

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