We're telling our friends we are more than friends

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Me and Tyler was on the way to the grill and all are friends was there. Matt was asking why was Klaus here and he look and then looked  at me and pointed to Klaus I was scary to tell Tyler that he is my alpha so I went over to him and told him that Tyler does not know that I'm not human any more. So we left and there was my twin brother Jeremy and he looked mad well do you have something to tell me no then get in there so I did and everyone was looking at me and Klaus and Tyler looked upset and Klaus get any from her every one Don't know. No why because they Tyler will break-up with me. Okay why are we here I turn Skyler Tyler what me and Tyler a are boyfriend and girlfriend.  Me and Tyler are together sky can I talk to you Klaus told me that u are a vampire and u know when it a full moon if u come near me on it and I bite u what hold on at
are u a werewolf yes and chill out Klaus has the cure thank God then we better tell her what we all are.

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