Tyler saves me

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I was with hope and Klaus and Haylee we were ready too fight my friends but then i remember that I was fighting my friends my family my ex fiance Tyler It will be hard too see him after I gave them the ring back he was upset that I gave it back but Hope was telling me to do it I was also upset I really loved Ty I wish  i was a Vampire again or just a werewolf or human for that matter it would be hard too get married now anyway. I was in the trees waiting for the group and Hope was at home not telling me what to do wait Whats happening too me I was tried all the sudden and about too fall out of the tree. And I finally  saw the group and Tyler was in the front and was pissed off more then Klaus and Haylee. "Where is she." Tyler yelled so loud I wasn't tried I was ready too fight.  I jump down out of the tree and my eyes were evil and hateful and I was beside Hope ready too kill. Skylar Tyler yelled and I was just remembering stuff that me and Tyler did but sex wasn't one of them. I was this close to kill Tyler but hope stop me and I was different I wanted too kill really bad so I didn't listen and went after Jeremy and he started to tell my name SKYLAR STOP SKY STOPPPPP!!!!!!!!!!!! Damon and Tyler pulled me off and I bite him and sucked he's blood and then I went back to my self and ty was on the ground with Jeremy NOOOOOOOOOO JERMEY,TYLER NOOO PLEASE DON'T LEAVE ME. I gave them my blood and they waked up then I wasn't my self again and I snap Jeremy neck and I sucked Tyler's blood until all he's blood was gone and then I was normal i looked down at Elena and I was upset at what I did. They gasp for air and they looked the same but Ty wasn't breathing right hopes blood I took some of it without Haylee and Klaus knowing and then hope started to cry and Haylee saw the blood and got pissed I trowed it to Jermey and he put it in Tyler and he was fine and everyone step up and was ready too kill and so was I, I jump over Haylee and snap her neck in half and Klaus and Kol was running up to me I blocked a shot from Kol but Klaus it was easier I had ash on a blade and stab him along with it and he went passed out half died half a life and we all where happy and proud of it the cure give her Jeremy and her and Tyler some of the cure Elena.  She took the shot and took her blood and then put it in mine and Jeremy and Tyler. Human again. Shall you two get married wait do you mean I don't have my ring here he put it on me and it was time to get married.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 10, 2017 ⏰

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