Chapter 2

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So I guess you could say I'm a bit of a loner. I'm not sure why, it's not that I don't enjoy people, it's just that I enjoy being by myself more. Knowing this, you could probably guess my least favorite thing about my school.

The people.

My school is the typical suburban high school. You have your jocks and your nerds, your populars and your not-so-populars, etc. I don't fit in any of them. I roam aimlessly throughout each school day just begging for it to be over. The only person I've ever actually enjoyed being around, was Peyton. So you can imagine my happiness when I saw her car pull in after I almost got decapitated by a flying football.

"Hey, babe." She greeted me, giving me a hug and readjusting her purse. "Why are you so early today? You haven't shown up on time all year." I laugh and she lightly punches me. "Hey! Do you know how long it takes to look like this?" She motions towards her outfit, skinny jeans and a crop top, and spins around. Okay, so she has a big ego. But I think that's why I love her so much. She is the exact opposite of who I am but exactly who I'm trying to be. 

On our way to class, we talk about our individual weekends. She went up to her country house with her boyfriend, Cameron, where they "did the dirty... 10 times!" (her words, not mine). Meanwhile I had a beautiful two days of re-watching The Office and eating Chipotle. She drops me off at my class and I walk in to see a new face I had never seen in Honors English, Sam. I'm sure he sees my expression, cause he just smirks and sits down in the seat that just happens to be the one right next to mine. 

"Okay, class! Sit sit." Mr. Soter says as he begins to write todays date on the board. I readjust my backpack and sit down in my seat, which again, earns a smirk from Sam. As soon as everyone is in their seat, Mr. Soter turns around. "So, class, we have a new student joining us today, who just transferred from AP to honors, congratulations Mr. Wilkinson." He says, applauding him himself. "We'll be starting a new unit today, actually. It's almost the beginning of the second semester, so I thought I'd give you guys the reading in advance. He turns to write the title of the book, and then I see it. Leave of Grass, by Walt Whitman. "As you all can assume, we'll be writing poetry this semester." Mr. Soter continues. "You will analyze the writing done by Whitman and then you shall incorporate that into your own poems, which will be written and presented by the end of the semester." This earns a groan out of the rest of the class. 

At the end of class, as I'm picking up my copy of the book, Sam comes up behind me. "Hey, um, I'm Sam." He says as I turn around. "I'm Hayden." I respond, grabbing another book and handing it to him. "No, it's okay, I have my own." He says. I place it back on the pile. "You seem like you know what you're doing in this class, and since I'm new I was wondering if you could help me." He says shyly, rubbing the back of his neck. "You mean, like, tutor you?" I ask. "Sure. Tutor. Could you do that?" He asks again. "Yea, sure. Just let me know when you want me to and I'm there." I smile and walk out of class. 

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 03, 2015 ⏰

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