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Larry: Vampires

Larry was about 2 seconds from changing form. His teeth were sharp as knives.

Laurent: ~standing up walking slowly to his brother~  Calm down bro. I'm just as pissed and upset as you, but you can't go out like this you need to retreat back and calm down, now.

Larry: ~evil grin~ I am calm can't you tell. This is me calm brother. I haven't begun to get angry. I just want to find them, kill them and bring our family back, safe.

He wasn't fooling me. I know my brother very well. He is beyond angry.

Laurent: look, we have to keep level heads. I'm good so far and the two things I know to relax you are food and sex. So I'm going to go and get some food and you need to go take care of yourself real quick. ~walking pass him patting him on the back~

Larry: Fuck you Lau. Just hurry up with the food. I'll handle the sex part when I get my baby back here.

With that I left in hunt for food. I needed some fresh air to clear my mind and process that they are vampires.  I made my way to a little cafe not to far from our condo. I was sitting at a table waiting for my order to be called staring out the window, when something caught my eye.


I finally got her. After Micah saw Kelly going into Laurents room in Colorado and she told me what they were talking about, we decided to change our plans. I also made some different plans of my own that she doesn't know about. See, she really wants those pups to raise as her own. I on the other hand want Kelly. It was one thing to have wanted her to have my vamp babies, but now that she is one of them I can have hybrids and they will be even more powerful. My only obstacle is Amy and those twins of course. Amy was suppose to be my wife but I have lost interest in her. I hate that I had to leave her to watch Kelly, but I had no other choice. I need to sneak into the clinic and steal some Misoprotol. This is an abortion pill, so to speak. She will think she's having a miscarriage. This is the part of my plan that Micah doesn't know about. I'm not waiting for Kelly to have those pups. I'm getting rid of them today.


I followed him down the street with some distance between us. I couldn't believe this little fucker was right here in my reach. I didn't want to make a scene and I just hope that Larry was listening in. Chris stopped in front of a clinic. He turned to look around and I hide behind a tall display. There wasn't a lot of people out and the ones that were weren't paying attention to him, then just like that he vanished, into thin air. DAMMIT!

I was rushing to where my brother was. He saw Chris and I needed to get there fast. He was standing behind a tall sign looking upset.

Larry: Did he come out? Do you think he saw you?

Laurent:  Fuck, I don't know. I hide when he turned around. I don't think he saw me. Then he just vanished. Now I know that was him at the mall with Kelly.

Larry started walking towards the clinic and I jumped in front of him stopping him.

Laurent: Are you crazy. What if he sees us. We don't even know if he went in there.

Larry snatched me back behind the sign. Chris reappeared outside the door. He was coming our way. Turning our backs as he walked by I caught a glimpse of something in his hand. We followed behind him for about 5 blocks. He walked inside a building that is right around the corner from our condo. This couldn't get any easier.


Finally making it back. I know she won't take these pills on her own so I'll crush them up and put them in a soup. By tomorrow morning those pups will be history. I could hear Amy yelling at Kelly and I wasn't going to have that. She's going to be gone in the morning just like those pups.


Amy was pacing back and forth ranting and raving about how I ruin her life. The door swung open and in walked Chris looking like he wanted to kill Amy.

Chris: What are you doing?

Amy: Nothing, just making sure our house guest is comfortable. Did find what you were looking for.

Chris: ~walking slowly over to Amy and whispering in her ear~
I heard you yelling at her. I'm not happy with that. Go make her some soup and put two of these pills into the soup. Make sure you crush them up real good. ~slipping the bottle into her hand~

Amy walked out not looking happy. Chris on the other hand gave me a look that made my skin crawl. He came over and sat next to me caressing my legs. I squirmed away as best ad I could.

Kelly: They are going to rip your heads off and burn your bodies.

Chris: ~laughing~  they have to find you first. I bet they are all over the world and don't even know that you are basically right under their noses. That's if they are even looking at all. You guys have the power to read minds right. So where are they? Maybe they don't want you anymore.


Chris: Relax, I'm not trying to upset you. You need to stay calm for the sake of those little ones, right.

Just then Amy was coming in with a food tray. I didn't realize how hungry I was. As much as I didn't want anything from them I had to think of my babies. She sat the tray on my lap and Chris picked up the bowl and spoon.

Chris: Now be a good mommy and eat this for your babies.~feeding the soup to her~

After I finished my soup he gave my some juice and got up to leave.

Chris: now get some rest. Tomorrow is going to be an eventful day.

He walked out and closed the door. I said a silent pray that my boys could hear me but something isn't right, I'm starting to feel funny.


We stood outside the building waiting to hear or feeling her. I know my baby is up there. I felt something and immediately turned to look at Lau.

Laurent: Something isn't right. We have to get up there.

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