Decisions, Decisions

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Scott stomped down the hallway and back to the bedroom. Vincent sat up in bed. "Yes, love?"

"Don't you 'Yes, love' me." Scott slammed the door. "We need to talk."

Vincent inhaled a sharp breath and covered his face with the blankets, using them to hide his sobbing. Scott was upset with him. What had he found out about? What happened?

"Violet told me you tried to kill her."

"S-Scott, I..." Vincent's sentence just froze. How could he justify trying to murder his own daughter?

"Vincent. Why would you do this?! She's your daughter. She loves you. And now she's scared out of her mind. I'm scared, Vincent."

"I-I just... I-I don't know what happened! I-I didn't mean it, p-please! I-I love her..."

"It just... I don't know anymore. I don't feel like you're the same person anymore. I don't know if this is the best place for Violet and I..."

"You and Violet? You're going to take my daughter?!"

"I want her to survive. I want her to live a full life and not look back on her childhood and cry later."

"She's my child! She's mine! I'm her father!"

"And so am I."

"Y-you aren't taking her from me!"

"Then why don't we just put her up for adoption?"


"... maybe it's the best thing for her..."

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