I Love This

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Next Day

I woke up tired af today is Wednesday so school I go I was going thru my closet"What color should I wear" I said thinking out loud I pulled out my all white jacket "Mhhh all white it is" I found my outfit then went in my brother's room he's older he was looking at the ceiling I sat on his bed and laid down next to him and cuddled under him like when I was 5



"Can I ask you a question"

"Sure why not"

'I feel like I'm raising you wrong"

"No , you raised a girl who's ot afraid to be herself, you also raised a girl who knows right from wrong and who loves her brother" I said looking at my brother he looked down at me

"Thanks Spark" he said I got up

"No problem now I gotta get ready for school then I need to talk to you"

"Ok bye" he said rudely I gave him that 'n**** please look'I went downstairs and made breakfast said my prayers then left for school I got their all eyes on me weirdd I walked to my locker I opened it and saw a note

I'm for what I said it was a true honest and if you don't believe me look on your top shelf-Jovante

I crumbled it up and looked on my top shelf "Oh my lord" it was a Tacori Engagement Ring worth I looked a few lockers down and saw Jovante he wasn't paying attention so I walked off and went to my first class English thinking and listening

"Ms.Thomas why did the Pilgrims go into-" I cut this trick off

"The Pilgrims went into war with England because they left as if they wanted their land because the king began to takeover by taxing all their things" I said rolling my neck


"Crickets" I said

"Well eyes on the board'

"But I can focus better the other way"

"Okay just keep that work up" I put my thumbs up

She salty though thought I wasn't paying attention I saw Jovante from the corner of my eyes looking at me I sighed and kept think why Jerimiah kept asking those questions and why Jovante was being so rude these are the moments I miss my mom & wish she wasn't such a b*** enough to leave us a tear shed down my cheaks I quickly wiped it then the bell rang I got up and got my books and walked with Kiona & Paris straight to science

"I need for everyone to turn in a sheet of paper with what their project is going to be on" Mr.Jones said when we walked in Jovante turned it in

"I turned in our project already since we finished early" he said smiling

"OK" is all I said to hide the blush I started playing with the ring

"You like the ring I see" he said grabbing my hand

"I'm still mad" I said snatching my hand back looking straight at the board

"I never met to hurt you I just got" he stopped

"Got what Jovante" I said with an attitude each time I call him by his real name he knows I'm upset or mad at him this time both

"???" he whispered

"What? speak up" I looked at him with the stupid eyes


"On what, what's to get jealous of about an ex I don't even contact him anymore he's my past ok but what you said was foul"

"I know you have every right to be mad but I want to be able to make it up for you"

"How" I said sitting back crossing my arms and rolling my eyes

"Meet me @ the park at 6"

"I'm giving you another opportunity don't blow it" I said pointing fingers at him

"I wouldn't" he said smiling it gets me all the time so I instantly blush

"You guys can work on your projects here til the end of class" Mr.Jones said walking out I walked over to Paris & Kiona

"Wassup Girie"

"Girl you look sharp" Paris

"We all do" Kiona said

"Yes ya'll do" Greg, Mouse & JoJo

"Just nasty" us girls said

"Make it nasty make it nasty" Robert said

"Jay can I spend a night over your house my mom again"

"What is she doing" Paris said

"My clothes and stuff"

"Maybe she's right" Mouse said

"ABOUT WHAT" Paris, Kiona & I yelled

"The way ya'll dress like h***" I slapped him so hard he pushed me before I could knock him out JoJo jawed him I was surprsied but I got infront of JoJo to make sure he didn't hit him again

"Don't do it he's not worth it" I said putting my hand on his neck aka his weak spot he calmed down and sat down

"Have you heard" Layla asked me & JoJo

"Heard what" I asked

"Mouse is suppose to be cheating on KiKi with Breanna" Layla said

"Wow" JoJo said

"Who is Breanna confused still the new girl" I said throwing my hands in the air

"Oh she's this girl who always wants everyone else boyfriends and who will try to have you know what with anyone I hope she catches AIDS" Layla said I started ROTFL frfr she said AIDS though

" Her life is..... sad" I said laughing all of a sudden Kiona ran out the classroom crying I looked at Paris & Layla we all ran to go find Kiona she was in her sweet place

'Kiona' Layla yelled out

"No be doesn't want me he wants a perfect girl" Kiona yelled

"Come on I'll talk to him" I said

"You sure I can't drag y'all into it" Kiona said

"No but we can drag ourselves in" E/Lions she started laughing

"What would I do without y'all" Kiona said

"Nothing" I said as Kiona got up

"Whatever" she said playfully pushing me I laughed we walked out and the hallway was clear and we are late

"Oh wel,l hey look over there!" Paris said them same girls from yesterday

Bad, Thug & Love (Jovante Crippen Story)Where stories live. Discover now