Chapter 10

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Amilo had even more trouble at work by the next morning. He had taken Raidon's advice and not gone snooping around the offices the night before. But the only problem with that, was that when he talked to Fred before getting into work, he found that neither of them were any further towards finding the insider trader. If he could just tap into the computers throughout the office it would be so much easier but if Raidon wanted him to sit back and do nothing, then that was what he was going to do.

And he'd see how happy his boss was at the end of the job. Because he was damned sure that without nosing around on the financial advisers they were never going to find out who was involved with the insider trading. Until they found out who they were looking for, they would never find the accomplice. But he was going to follow orders and be the good soldier boy until Raidon came to his senses. He would have to realize at some point, that he was going to have to do something more than hang around as a security guard, spying on people who he knew nothing about.

The rest of his day went fairly well until around eleven o'clock. While on his break, Amilo decided to have a look in the records room on the third floor, to see if anyone's personnel file had anything interesting to tell him. He knew that if anyone was dealing with inside information, they would have some kind of pointer in their CV or personnel documents that would point it out to him. So he waited until the floor was relatively busy, during a meeting Fred had previously warned him about that was going to last for a good hour. It would give him enough time to have a quick squint at a few documents and take some photocopies of each to be looked over in greater detail later.

After all, he had been warned not to touch the computers. Not that he wasn't allowed to find other ways of getting information while the entire office floor was off guard. Bypassing the security guard on the floor, he nodded a hello. "I'm off on break. Do you want something from the canteen?" He asked, offering to fetch something for the guard who wasn't going to get his break for another hour. The guard, Tim, was more than happy to give an order.

"A coffee and a bagel would go down trumps pal." He agreed, and let him pass without another thought. The fact that Amilo worked security in the basement and storage rooms next door to it, and that the canteen was on the fourth floor, didn't seem to register with Tim. So he continued on his way to the records room, confident of finding something incriminating that he could take back to Raidon.

The meeting Fred was attending had been going on for barely ten minutes and Amilo knew that he had plenty of time in the records room, alone. He could lock the door and browse through the files at his pleasure. The photocopy machine was in the same room and he would have all the access he needed to make copies of everyone's files. And for once, he was thankful of the little information Raidon had been given by Murray. Whoever their inside trader was, had been dealing solely with the third floor server and phone line, so at least that narrowed down their suspects a little.

Still, by the time Amilo got a look at the third floor employees personnel files, he knew he would have to leave the reading for a better time and just get on with the photocopying. Before anyone found him where he wasn't supposed to be. There were over twenty five employees working on the third floor and each had a personnel file of roughly four to six pages. It was going to take all the time he had available to copy them.

Amilo was just beginning to notice his time running out, as he came to the twenty-first folder in the pile. It was getting too close to the end of the meeting and he didn't want anyone, not even Fred spotting him there. Not to mention he still had to go up to the fourth floor to get Tim's coffee and bagel. Without it, he would have no excuse for being there if he got caught. Thankfully, whoever folder number twenty-one belonged to, had a short history of just two pages and he managed to get through it quickly. Twenty-two, three and four weren't so quick or easy, but he just piled them all into the photocopier and let it do its work.

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