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Unable to stand the awkward silence any longer, I stood and walked to the kitchen. I prepared Kaneki a coffee, completely oblivious to the even awkwarder silence in the other room.


Striking up conversation with Yoriko was like trying to get an Iron pole to talk. It wasn't going to work. At all. Because every time I opened my mouth to say something she shuffled over slightly because she thought I was trying to  devour her face. To be honest, I hated it. A lot. Touka walked in to the room carrying a steaming cup of coffee. "Arigato((A/N: It's Japanese for thank you if you didn't already know))." I said, dipping my head slightly as I took the hot beverage from her hands. The awkward silence once again fell upon us. It was so quiet I could hear the quietest breath. It was as if even the bustle of the city outside had ceased, just for the purpose of my discomfort. Yoriko was cowering in fear on the edge of the couch, Touka was sitting like she had a carrot shoved up her behind, and I was calmly drinking my coffee. I inhaled deeply. 'Man up Kaneki. If you can talk to someone who spends every waking moment of his life trying to murder you, you can talk to two teenage girls.' I thought to myself.

'Even if one of them is scared out of her mind and the other is so damn scary the devil would run for the hills if he saw her angry.'

'Shut up mind.'

'Says the one arguing with himself.'

'Shut up.'

'You do realize you are telling your own mind to shut up... Eyepatch.'

'SHUT UP MIND! You know I hate being called that.'

'You do realize you are still talking to yourself. And Yoriko is soooo scared right now.'

'I SAID SHUT UP!!!!!!!!!'

'Okay, now Touka is also looking a bit freaked out...'




'Why are you having an awkward conversation with yourself?'





'I have no idea why I'm still talking to you.'

'Neither... Go talk to girls, I'm outta here!'

((A/N: I  have NO idea why I'm wrote this!))

I inhaled deeply. Time to bite the bullet Kaneki.

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