The Unknown Is Going To Happen

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Chapter 1

On Saturday I had a practice to go to for Lighthouse Brigade. There were try outs for drum major and about ten people already tried out. My sisters, Angela and Ellen, were both trying out so I decided to for the heck of it. I didn't think I did to good but I know I did better than my sisters and everyone else. There was only one more person to try out and his name was Adam. He was in boot camp before so he knows how to be strict with people. To me he kind of looks nice and cute, but when he started giving is our commands I was like wow what just happened a hunky guy turns hard and cold like he doesn't have a soul. I just told myself wow I don't know if he's cute anymore. After he was done trying out I was like he is going to be drum major, not me.

We had a 15 minute break after he tried out, and everyone came running up to me saying, either you or Adam is going to get drum major. I knew I wasn't going to get it though. After our break our director told me and Adam to come aside while the others got into a block. As soon as he brought Adam and I over my heart dropped I knew Adam was going to get it and not me. Collin (our director) said "CONGRATULATIONS" and I was like, wait we both got drum major. Oh my gosh I can't believe it, that I made drum major and I'm with Adam. He came over to me and hugged me so tight I could hardly breath, but he smelled really good (I'm telling the truth about it).

So then we both practiced a little bit on conducting, giving orders, looking at each other for signs, and also when we finished a song what we should do. I know this may sound weird but after we practiced together, I kind of, well I don't know, like him.

We went out to where the others were and then everyone looked at us without turning their heads, cause they were in attention. One of my sisters Angela put a heart up and looked at Adam and I. I didn't know what to do so I just looked at Adam to see if he saw her but he didn't, thank you, I said in my head.

"Badam" I heard from a distance. "Badam"there it was again so I just turned around to see Angela there saying, Becky, you and Adam would be a cute couple and you guys would see each other almost everyday, all day. Great I her telling me this, this can't end well...

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