Chapter 5

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"Fine, we are in New York City!" Mom said.

OMG have I told you yet that I love and always wanted to go to New York City.

"WE HAVE TO GO TO THE STATUE OF LIBERTY! WE HAVE TO, WE HAVE TO, WE HAVE TO! PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE!" I shouted by accident. I totally forgot we were in the car still.

"We will that's on the list for tomorrow to do. Ok." Julie said.

We all said "ok" together.


The next day


We all got up early and I got up before Julie, too. When I woke up, I woke up everyone else. The view from our hotel was amazing, it looked like, wow, I can't even explain it. We were on the top floor and in a corner room too, so it had more windows. It was really an amazing view. We could even see the Statue of Liberty from our hotel, too.

I was about 6:30 in the morning, I never, ever get up that early. Anyway, we all got ready in like 30 minutes to an hour or so. When everyone was ready is was about 7:30, 8:00.

We got in our car and drove to the Statue of Liberty, and this time I got shot-gun. It took us about a half hour just to drive there, then parked the car and started walking to the statue. We could either take the stairs or an elevator. Angela, Ellen, Adelina, and I all took the stairs while Our mom Julie took the elevator.

We were at the 10th flight of stairs or so and then I took out my iPod and watch the video from yesterday and just started laughing. El and Adel heard me and just looked mad. I watched the video with Ang like 5 times before my iPod wasn't in my hand anymore. Where did it go. No El give me my iPod back I will delete the video please give it back. I started to reach for it and I knocked it out of her hand we both went down to try and get it before it fell down the stairs but we were to late.

We started running down the stairs and couldn't catch up with it. Finally it landed face down on one of the stairs and I picked it up.

"OMG I'm scared to flip it over and see what the screen looks like. Ang you flip it over." I gave Ang my iPod and she flipped it over, then showed me it. I was scared at what my mom was going to say to me about that.

The screen was shattered, and also the back of my iPod had cracks on it, too. I didn't think anything as soon as I saw the screen.

Then just out of nowhere my Angela's phone goes off and guess who that is...Adam. "Why is he calling me?" Ang asked. She gave me her phone so I answered it and started walking up the stairs again.

"Hey Adam." I said.

"Hey Ang?" Adam asked confused.

"No it's Becky"

"Oh ok so guess where I am right now!"

"Where are you?"

"I'm in the Statue of Liberty, ask Ang if I could send her a picture of the view. It's amazing up here."

"Wait, what? You're in the Statue of Liberty, because I'm climbing the stairs right now!"

"Really, because I'm at the top starting to head down now."

"Angela, Adelina, Ellen, and I are almost to the top. We might see you then."

"Ya wait shout Adam real quick."

"Ok, hold on...ADAM!"

"Hey I heard you!" Then he hung up and I heard someone running down the stairs. Adam got to us and said hi to all of us and gave us huge hugs. Before we left, I told him that we were leaving somewhere but don't know where to.

Adam got to me and gave me the biggest hug out of all of us. "Adam, I love you...your hugs, there the best hugs ever." I said trying to cover up what I said first.

"Thanks, because you are all I think about...I're the best person I've ever met before. Ok what I'm trying to say is...that...ummm...lets get to the top first ok then I'll tell you, ok?" He said stuttering a lot.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 09, 2013 ⏰

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