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-Claude's POV-

Another fruitless day damnit! these humans are really getting on my nerves. Well no matter at least I'm fine in regards of hunger but I really wish to actually do something different for a change. If only I could find someone to make a contract with to cure my boredom... for a while of course.

I get up from the ledge I'm standing on before people start panicking thinking I'm going to suicide or some shit. I walk back inside and go back to my luxurious suite.

Once inside I make myself a cup of tea then I turned on the T.v to some random show "Hmmm... As much as I hate humans they sure do make interesting shows" I commented as I took a rather loud sip of tea.

After watching a show called "Sherlock" I decided it's time to head to bed. I took off my glasses and put them on the night stand then turn off the light with a snap off my fingers.

Soon it was morning so I got up and took a quick shower then made breakfast. Today... today is the day I feel it. I smirk and change into my favorite suit and tie then lastly my glasses. I went out and searched for the perfect prey but thats when I bumped into a very attractive... girl? well she looked very young but at the same time old enough... you know what I mean!

She just stared for a few moments but thats when I noticed her soul... it smelled delicious... so delicious that I even muttered out under my breath with a smirk. "uh s-sorry!" she quickly said with bright pink cheeks and ran the opposite direction. "Hmm... she's perfect" I said licking my lips and nonchalantly went after her.

After following her for a couple of minutes she enters a interesting looking building with people dressed in costumes. I decided it's not worth going inside so I'll just wait until she comes out. A few moments later she comes out with a large bag. She then starts jumping with a goofy smile and starts tapping away on her phone.

"This girl is... very weird" I thought as I leaned on the wall across the street.

What the hell? I have a butler?! Claude x ReaderDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora