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At the Phantomhive residence, located in the more lavash area of Y/n's city. Inside was Sebastian who was in the kitchen preparing today's breakfast as Ciel waited at the dining table. They were the only ones at the residence as they don't stay in places for too long, they are always traveling to other parts of the world. 

Ever since the Alois situation and being reborn, he thought it'd be best to flee the country away from everything he knew. As mentioned before being reborn meant starting a new life or that's what Ciel thought, As he started traveling the world to spread justice by purging the world from demons doing their evil deeds, that's how they ended up in Y/n's city because of the mysterious attacks that had been going around.

"Here's your breakfast my lord" Sebastian says putting the plate in front of Ciel, Startling him from his thoughts as he stopped playing around with his ring. Ciel takes a bite of his french toast and Sebastian curiously begins to question Ciel's new appearance "Do you really have to wear that?" Ciel looks down at his outfit then back at Sebastian "What do you mean this is what I normally wear nothing less" "I'm talking about your hair, was that really necessary?"

Ciel grabs a loose strand of black hair from his face then runs his hand through his hair with an annoyed sigh "Of course, it's to keep a discreet eye on any unusual activity" "You have been eyeing that Y/n girl a few times... Marc" Ciel lightly blushes as he takes another bite of the toast then quickly swallows it and speaks "It's to... protect her from that damn butler she has, what a foolish girl! she just signed up to her death! hmph! plus I though you got rid of the scum, Sebastian"

"I apologize for not checking if he was properly killed but I will protect you Ciel" Sebastian said bowing his head. "I command you Sebastian to protect me and never lie to me" "Yes my lord"

Once he finished up his meal, he told Sebastian to prepare everything for Y/n's arrival as he saw how everything was going as planned. When done, Sebastian prepared the car and they went to the parlor where Y/n would be waiting for Ciel.

As they roll by they see Y/n and Claude arguing for a bit then Claude takes his leave. Once he is away they drive in front of Y/n as she quickly wipes a few tears from her eyes. Sebastian opens the door for Y/n and she thanks him and hops in next to Ciel. He looks at bit stunned by how she looks in something other than her works clothes. "Hello Marc" Y/n greets with a smile "Hello Miss Y/n"

Once they arrive at the Phantomhive residence, Y/n is amazing at the sight. A huge European style mansion with beautiful garden and a fountain in the middle of the driveway. "W-wow! I didn't- it's amazing! your parents have a nice taste" Ciel tenses up at the mention of parents but quickly relaxes himself and pushes away the thought of the past. "I'm sorry but I must correct you Y/n but it's what I have chosen... my parents passed away years ago" 

Y/n gets embarrassed and quickly apologizes a million times "GG Y/n" She thinks as Ciel welcomes her inside. "It's even more beautiful inside!" "Please let's head to the dining room you must be hungry" Ciel gestures to his right and they walk to the table, he puts out a chair for Y/n which she thanks him with a flustered face.

"Sorry for spying on you a bit but why where you crying before?" Ciel asks looking at Y/n. Earlier, Stepping out of her apartment building was Y/n. In the morning, Claude wasn't there to make breakfast nor did he ever go. "Why is he doing this? Why do I even care? When I made this contract in the first place I didn't give a shit about him but now my heart aches! I wish to know about him, what he likes, his favorite places... fuck I can't like him, we haven't even spend a lot of time together..." 

She reaches the parlor and waits for Marc to come pick her up. A familiar face walks up to her making her heart jump. "C-Claude?" She blushed and hugged him taking him off guard "I missed you Claude" "Ahh..." Claude looked confused, they had only just seen each other yesterday so what was up with her? He could start to feel his cheeks heat up, he liked having Y/n close. "Wait whats going on? why I am feeling this way? and she's just a human, no I have plans to do... my revenge... just I don't want to get her involved, why am I thinking this?"

Claude quickly composes himself back to normal and wiggles out of Y/n's hug. "We saw each other yesterday Y/n, what are you doing here?" He raises his brow. "I'm going to meet up with Marc, we are going on a... date" She lied and looked to see if Claude was somehow bothered by this, he eyes widen of a split second but not either for Y/n to see. "Well I hope you have fun" Claude said taking a few steps back "Are you going to say anything else?" "What do you mean?" Claude said turning around as he was already leaving. "I thought you said you were going to protect me" Y/n said a bit loud with annoyance in her voice "And I thought you wanted me to not be around you" Claude fired back.

His words stabbed her heart, he was right, tears were starting to form in Y/n eyes. "I know I said that but I changed my mind!" She yelled to Claude who kept walking away. He mumbled "You know how to make me stay Y/n why don't you do it?"

"Y/n?" Ciel asks waiting for her response "Ah, well I was just having a bad day that's all" Y/n lied, Ciel didn't buy her lies, knowing what had happened but didn't say anything. "I see, we all have those days, oh! the food is ready, let's eat"

What the hell? I have a butler?! Claude x ReaderDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora