The End of the Coma

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                        Chapter 3.
I woke up with a gasp, sitting straight up in the hospital bed. I look around wondering why there were gifts and cards in the room. A nurse comes in a stops in her tracks.
"Oh my goodness! Your awake, how are you feeling?" She says holding her hand to her mouth.
"Fine why?" I ask slightly puzzled.
"I'll be right back!" She says not answering my question in the least.
I look down to at my hands and at my hair. I thought it was shorter when I fainted after my vision, which was yesterday I think. I pick up a card from the table next to me, it's from Tony.
It says:
'Dear Andrea,
I hope you wake up soon it's been weeks since the car crash. Everyone and I are very worry about you we visit you every day. I met the Molly girl, she seems nice. Also the doctor is worry that you might never wake from your coma, Lily keeps praying that you'll wake up soon. Your aunt came to visit once, she feels bad that you are in the state you are but hasn't visited since. Also Andrew is programming a new laptop for you so you don't have to worry about your old one. I had found it in your totaled car. Funny thing is, that when the police found you, you were a few yards from your car like someone had saved you. If you ask me it's weird but Lily thinks God saved you. Another thing is that Molly's father is close to the Dean, so he pulled a few strings and you can continue to go to school when you wake up. We hope you wake up soon and I wish you were here with us.
                                  Love, Tony.  '

I start to tear up, I can't believe how much they care about me. As I start sobbing I think about how much I wish they were here right now. The nurse comes in with the doctor and they run a few tests and tell me that my friends are on they're way here.
When everyone getting to my room is a bunch of smiles and laughing, and they tell me about what I missed. Also Lily tells me that I've been in a coma for a month, I was totally shocked. For some reason I don't feel like telling them about my vision, I just had a feeling it was not the right thing to-do. The doctor said that I could be release in a day, so I made up my mind to get a roommate when I got back to college.

I woke up the next morning and my phone buzzed on the hospital nightstand. I answer it, to find that it's my aunt.
"Hello aunt Martha, how are you?" I ask although slightly ticked off she called me.
"Hiiiiiiii darling! I'm fantastic thank you!!" She sings back at me.
"Oh good grief, why did you call me?" I say back with a sigh.
"Hmm I wish you wouldn't sound so annoyed with me. Anywayyyy I bought you a new car!" I can hear her frowning from over the phone ugh.
"I hope it's not a sports car again." I groan.
"It is!! Aren't you excited you can be the most popular adult at your college!!" She giggles at me.
"Please take it back to the dealership or get me a normal car." I say.
"Fine fine how about I get you a shiny black truck?" She said still very amused.
"Okay that's cool, well I got to go! Bye Auntie." I reply.
"Okay I will have it sent to the hospital along with the keys. And bye darling! She cheer.
I hang up the phone feeling suddenly exhausted and fall back sleep for a short nap. I wake up to find all the presents and cards from my friends have disappeared, replaced by a note and car keys.

The note read:
My darling Andrea your new truck is outside along with all of the gifts. I hope you like it! I'm traveling to Paris for a month so don't try to contact me, there is very little cell phone service there.
Kisses & lots of love,
Auntie Martha
I sigh and sit up to find some clothes neatly folded on a near by chair. I change and get my purse which I find next to the clothes. Weird I thought I left it at home when I went on the date. Oh well maybe Lily brought it for me. I instantly remember that I was going to call Molly and ask if she wanted to be my roommate.
As I leave the hospital I call her and ask if she wanted too. She quickly agrees saying that she would love to. I hop into my new truck and drive home.

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